DDDump is a tool that provides an easy way to dump N64 Disk Drive disk image files onto Windows95. With DDDump you can specify the disk type, specify which LBA to start the file from, and edit.
DDDump performs the dump display in LBA units.
DDDump operates under Windows95.
DDDump has the following functions:
The image file can be loaded using the following methods:
Since the image file is saved whenever it is changed, the user does not have to pay particular attention to saving his work.
The disk type is specified in the Disk Type Combo Box.
The default disk type is 0.
With DDDump it is possible to specify which LBA the input file will start from.
There are two ways to make this setting:
In default, LBA is 0 (zero).
To change the currently displayed LBA, input directly to the LBA edit box.
The vales that can be specified are TopLBA ~ 4291 (varies depending on the file size).
When the focus is in the dump area, it is possible to use the following:
To jump a certain offset within the same LBA, input directly to the Offset Combo Box, or select from the drop-down list (this window opens by clicking the arrow on the right side of the combo box). If inputting with a hexadecimal number, add "0x" to the beginning.
When the focus is in the dump area, it is possible to use the following Move Keys:
It is possible to set up to 8 offset marks and jump to them.
The mark jumps can even be performed between different LBAs. (Refer to "2 - 4. Using Marks")
When copying or writing a certain pattern, you must select the write range. This is done using a Shift + Move Key combination or by dragging the mouse.
Please refer to "2-1-6" for details about the move keys.
Data at the current position of the cursor is overwritten when performing certain operations, such as:
Please be careful about rewriting the data.
(We recommend creating a backup in advance.)
When the Write Disable Check Box is marked, it is impossible to overwrite data.
To copy a certain range of data to another place, follow the steps below:
* The "paste" cannot extend beyond the LBA.
* When "pasting", make sure the Write Disable Check Box is not checked.
A range that has already been copied can be pasted again using either the CTRL + V key combination, the Paste Button or from the menu "Edit" > "Paste".
* When "pasting", make sure the Write Disable Check Box is not checked.
To write a selected range using a certain pattern, press the CTRL + S key combination.
This opens the dialog box shown above.
Enter the pattern you want to write with in the Pattern Input Edit Box.
When the cursor is in the binary dump area, please input with a hexadecimal number. When the cursor is in the character dump area, please input with a character string.
To locate specific data, use the Find function.
The method is explained below.
To find data, move the cursor to the starting position for the search and then press either the CTRL + F key combination, the Find Button or from the menu "Find" > "Find".
The Find dialog box appears.:
After making the entry, press the Enter key or the OK button to begin the search.
If, after finding the data, you want to search for the same data again, press either the F3 key, the Find Next button, or from the menu "Find" > "Find next." When this is done, the same data is searched for again.
If the current cursor position is saved, it is possible to return to this place later with the press of a button. The following sections explain how to set and cancel marks and perform mark jumps.
When you want to set a mark, position the cursor at the desired location and then either press the F1 key or the Mark Set button or right-click to call up the pop-up menu and select "Mark Set"
When the mark is successfully set, a mark will be displayed at the current position. The mark-set operation acts like a toggle, so to cancel a mark, simply perform the same mark-set operation at the place of the existing mark.
* A maximum of 8 marks can be set.
To jump to a mark, either press the F2 key or the Mark Jump Button or right-click to open the pop-up menu and select "Mark Jump."
Use the Data View function to see how data is expressed in decimal or binary numbers, and to look at data after the Endian is changed.
Select the range of data range you want to view, and then either press the F4 key or the View Data button.
Select a range of up to 4 bytes.
When finished, click the OK button to close the dialog box.
Please note the following precautions when using DDDump: