mfsHInitDiskBoot | Initializing Library DISK Boot |
mfsHInitCasBoot | Initializing Library Cassette Boot |
mfsHMediaCheck | Checking Media |
mfsHMediaFormat | Formatting Media |
mfsHFopen | Opening a file |
mfsHFread | Reading Data |
mfsHFwrite | Writing Data |
mfsHFclose | Closing a File |
mfsHFseek | Seeking Head |
mfsHFtell | Obtaining a File Location |
mfsHFstat | Obtaining a File Information |
mfsHFgetAttr | Obtaining a File Attribute |
mfsHFsetAttr | Setting a File Attribute |
mfsHFgetCopyCount | Obtaining Copy Counter in a File |
mfsHFsetCopyCount | Setting Copy Counter |
mfsHFgetRC | Obtaining Renewal File Counter |
mfsHFresetRC | Resetting Renewal Counter Value |
mfsHRemoveFile | Deleting a File |
mfsHRenameFile | Changing a File Name |
mfsHGetFileCopyCount | Obtaining Copy Counter in a File |
mfsHSetFileCopyCount | Setting Copy Counter in a File |
mfsHGetAttr | Obtaining a Attribute in a File/Directory |
mfsHSetAttr | Setting Attribute in a File/Directory |
mfsHGetRC | Obtaining a Value in Renewal Directory Counter |
mfsHResetRC | Resetting Renewal Counter |
mfsHGetStat | Obtaining an Information on File/Directory |
mfsHGetCwd | Obtaining the Current Directory |
mfsHChDir | Changing the Current Directory |
mfsHRmDir | Deleting a Directory |
mfsHMkDir | Creating a Directory |
mfsHGetVolumeInfo | Obtaining a Volume Information |
mfsHGetVolumeAttr | Obtaining a Volume Attribute |
mfsHSetVolumeAttr | Setting a Volume Attribute |
mfsHGetVolumeRC | Obtaining Renewal Counter in Volume |
mfsHResetVolumeRC | Resetting Renewal Counter in Volume |
mfsHFnsplit | Splitting a Path Name in Members |
mfsHFnmerge | Creating a Path Name with assorting factors |
mfsHGetDisk | Obtaining the Current Drive Number |
mfsHSetDisk | Changing the Current Drive |
mfsHFindFirst | Searching a Directory |
mfsHFindNext | Searching a File Cont. |