

s32 mfsHGetStat(const u8* path,MfsStat* stat)


*path   Path name
*stat   File information structure pointer

Return value



Obtains file or directory information


This function obtains information related to the file or directory specified by path and returns it to the MfsStat structure specified by stat. The MfsStat structure consists of the following members.

typedef struct st_stat{
	u32 size;		// File size
	LEODiskTime time;	// Latest update date and time of file
	u16 attribute;		// Attribute
	u16 dirID;		// Directory ID
	u16 upDirID;		// Directory ID of parent directory
	u8 gameCode[4];		// Game code
	u8 companyCode[2];	// Company code
	u8 copyCounter;		// Copy counter
	u8 renewalCounter; 	// Update counter
} MfsStat;

However, the structure for a directory does not have the file size or copy counter members.

Main errors

MFS_ERR_NONormal termination
MFS_ERR_DEVICE Device error
An error occurred in an internally called Leo function.
Since a Leo function error is stored in the variable mfsError, check this variable to perform processing.
MFS_ERR_NOTFOUND File not found
The file was not found, or the directory was not found.