N64 CITextureEditor TPF Format


  1. What is a TPF File?

      TPF files are used to manage multiple pictures, in each of which are registered pairs of Texture Image Files (TMF) and Texture Lookup Table Files (TLF).
      N64 CITextureEditor can edit only one TPF file at a time.

      TPF files are represented as Makefile-like files.

      Example: <sample.tpf>
      #directory of TPF files
      TPF_DIR = C:\nintendo\n64kit\texedit\user_data
      #directory of TMF files
      TMF_DIR = $(TPF_DIR)
      #directory of TLF files
      TLF_DIR = $(TPF_DIR)
      #number of registered pictures
      PICT_NUM = 2
      #Picture (PICT.<n> = <picture name>,<TMF>,<TLF>,<palette>)
      PICT.0 = Picture0, Texture0.tmf, Palette0.tlf, 0
      PICT.1 = Picture1, Texture1.tmf, Palette0.tlf, 0

  2. Format

      The basic formatting rules are

      1. #<comment>
      2. <macro name> = <value(character string) >
      3. xxUsing $(macro name), other macros can be referenced for value (character string).xx

      Macro names reserved by TPF files are as follows.

      1. TPF_DIR ... Indicates the directory where TPF files are stored ("/" also can be used as a path delimiter)
      2. TMF_DIR ... Indicates the directory where TMF files are stored ("/" also can be used as a path delimiter)
      3. TLF_DIR ... Indicates the directory where TLF files are stored ("/" also can be used as a path delimiter)
      4. PICT_NUM ... Number of registered pictures (0 - n)
      5. PICT.<n> ... Picture information (<n>=0 ~ PICT_NUM-1)
          PICT.<n> = <picture name>,<TMF>,<TLF>,<palette>


Copyright (C) 1998-1999 NINTENDO Co.,Ltd.
Copyright (C) 1998-1999 NINTENDO OF AMERICA, Inc.
Copyright (C) 1998-1999 MONEGI CORPORATION.
Copyright (C) 1998-1999 INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS Co.,Ltd.
All rights reserved.