These Programming Cautions are provided to ensure present and future compatibility between the Nintendo 64 Control Deck, Game Pak, and accessories. Also, properly following these cautions will avoid possible confusion in the commercial market.
This document includes information to help avoid common mistakes that are likely to otherwise occur during program development, programming cautions for the Nintendo 64 System, information regarding uniform specifications, and cautions regarding peripheral devices including the Controller Pak and Rumble Pak.
All Programming Cautions marked "Required" must be observed in order for a submission to pass lot check. Programming Cautions marked "Recommended" are only suggestions intended to enhance the game for the end user.
Although the Programming Cautions are provided to avoid possible confusion in the commercial market, they do not guarantee 100% trouble-free products.
Covered Regions
The contents of these Programming Cautions may be applied only to the products for sale in the Australian, European, New Zealand, North American, and South American markets. For products shipped in the Asian market (including Japan), please see the proper documents issued from NINTENDO CO. LTD.