#ifndef _RCP_H_
#define _RCP_H_

 *                                                                        *
 *               Copyright (C) 1995, Silicon Graphics, Inc.               *
 *                                                                        *
 *  These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs  contain  *
 *  unpublished  proprietary  information of Silicon Graphics, Inc., and  *
 *  are protected by Federal copyright law.  They  may  not be disclosed  *
 *  to  third  parties  or copied or duplicated in any form, in whole or  *
 *  in part, without the prior written consent of Silicon Graphics, Inc.  *
 *                                                                        *

 *  File: rcp.h
 *  This file contains register and bit definitions for RCP memory map.
 *  $Revision: 1.21 $
 *  $Date: 1998/07/31 11:08:29 $
 *  $Source: /hosts/gate3/exdisk2/cvs/N64OS/Master/cvsmdev2/PR/include/rcp.h,v $

#include <PR/R4300.h>
#include <PR/ultratypes.h>

 * Here is a quick overview of the RCP memory map:

0x0000_0000 .. 0x03ef_ffff	RDRAM memory
0x03f0_0000 .. 0x03ff_ffff	RDRAM registers

				RCP registers (see below)
0x0400_0000 .. 0x040f_ffff	SP registers
0x0410_0000 .. 0x041f_ffff	DP command registers
0x0420_0000 .. 0x042f_ffff	DP span registers
0x0430_0000 .. 0x043f_ffff	MI registers
0x0440_0000 .. 0x044f_ffff	VI registers
0x0450_0000 .. 0x045f_ffff	AI registers
0x0460_0000 .. 0x046f_ffff	PI registers
0x0470_0000 .. 0x047f_ffff	RI registers
0x0480_0000 .. 0x048f_ffff	SI registers
0x0490_0000 .. 0x04ff_ffff	unused

0x0500_0000 .. 0x05ff_ffff	cartridge domain 2
0x0600_0000 .. 0x07ff_ffff	cartridge domain 1
0x0800_0000 .. 0x0fff_ffff	cartridge domain 2
0x1000_0000 .. 0x1fbf_ffff	cartridge domain 1

0x1fc0_0000 .. 0x1fc0_07bf      PIF Boot Rom (1984 bytes)
0x1fc0_07c0 .. 0x1fc0_07ff      PIF (JoyChannel) RAM (64 bytes)
0x1fc0_0800 .. 0x1fcf_ffff      Reserved
0x1fd0_0000 .. 0x7fff_ffff      cartridge domain 1
0x8000_0000 .. 0xffff_ffff      external SysAD device

The Indy development board use cartridge domain 1:
0x1000_0000 .. 0x10ff_ffff	RAMROM
0x1800_0000 .. 0x1800_0003	GIO interrupt (6 bits valid in 4 bytes)	
0x1800_0400 .. 0x1800_0403	GIO sync (6 bits valid in 4 bytes)	
0x1800_0800 .. 0x1800_0803	CART interrupt (6 bits valid in 4 bytes)	


 * RDRAM Memory (Assumes that maximum size is 4 MB)
#define RDRAM_0_START		0x00000000
#define RDRAM_0_END		0x001FFFFF
#define RDRAM_1_START		0x00200000
#define RDRAM_1_END		0x003FFFFF


 * Address predicates
#if defined(_LANGUAGE_C) || defined(_LANGUAGE_C_PLUS_PLUS)
#define IS_RDRAM(x)     ((unsigned)(x) >= RDRAM_START && \
			(unsigned)(x) < RDRAM_END)

 * RDRAM Registers (0x03f0_0000 .. 0x03ff_ffff)
#define RDRAM_BASE_REG		0x03F00000


#define RDRAM_0_DEVICE_ID	0
#define RDRAM_1_DEVICE_ID	1

#define RDRAM_RESET_MODE        0
#define RDRAM_ACTIVE_MODE       1
#define RDRAM_STANDBY_MODE      2

#define RDRAM_LENGTH		(2*512*2048)

#define RDRAM_0_CONFIG		0x00000
#define RDRAM_1_CONFIG		0x00400
#define RDRAM_GLOBAL_CONFIG	0x80000

 * PIF Physical memory map (total size = 2 KB)
 *			  Size	    Description     Mode
 *	1FC007FF	+-------+-----------------+-----+
 *			|  64 B | JoyChannel RAM  | R/W |
 *	1FC007C0	+-------+-----------------+-----+
 *			|1984 B |    Boot ROM     |  *  |  * = Reserved
 *	1FC00000	+-------+-----------------+-----+
#define PIF_ROM_START		0x1FC00000
#define PIF_ROM_END		0x1FC007BF
#define PIF_RAM_START		0x1FC007C0
#define PIF_RAM_END		0x1FC007FF

 * Controller channel 
 * Each game controller channel has 4 error bits that are defined in bit 6-7 of
 * the Rx and Tx data size area bytes. Programmers need to clear these bits
 * when setting the Tx/Rx size area values for a channel
#define CHNL_ERR_NORESP		0x80	/* Bit 7 (Rx): No response error */
#define CHNL_ERR_OVERRUN	0x40	/* Bit 6 (Rx): Overrun error */
#define CHNL_ERR_FRAME		0x80	/* Bit 7 (Tx): Frame error */
#define CHNL_ERR_COLLISION	0x40	/* Bit 6 (Tx): Collision error */

#define CHNL_ERR_MASK		0xC0	/* Bit 6-7: channel errors */

 * External device info
#define DEVICE_TYPE_CART	0	/* ROM cartridge */
#define DEVICE_TYPE_BULK	1	/* ROM bulk */
#define DEVICE_TYPE_64DD	2	/* 64 Disk Drive */
#define DEVICE_TYPE_SRAM	3	/* SRAM */
/* 4-6 are reserved */
#define DEVICE_TYPE_INIT	7	/* initial value */

 * SP Memory
#define SP_DMEM_START		0x04000000	/* read/write */
#define SP_DMEM_END		0x04000FFF
#define SP_IMEM_START		0x04001000	/* read/write */
#define SP_IMEM_END		0x04001FFF

 * SP CP0 Registers

#define SP_BASE_REG		0x04040000

/* SP memory address (R/W): [11:0] DMEM/IMEM address; [12] 0=DMEM,1=IMEM */
#define SP_MEM_ADDR_REG		(SP_BASE_REG+0x00)	/* Master */
/* SP DRAM DMA address (R/W): [23:0] RDRAM address */
#define SP_DRAM_ADDR_REG	(SP_BASE_REG+0x04)	/* Slave */

/* SP read DMA length (R/W): [11:0] length, [19:12] count, [31:20] skip */
/* direction: I/DMEM <- RDRAM */
#define SP_RD_LEN_REG		(SP_BASE_REG+0x08)	/* R/W: read len */

/* SP write DMA length (R/W): [11:0] length, [19:12] count, [31:20] skip */
/* direction: I/DMEM -> RDRAM */
#define SP_WR_LEN_REG		(SP_BASE_REG+0x0C)	/* R/W: write len */

/* SP status (R/W): [14:0] valid bits; see below for write/read mode */
#define SP_STATUS_REG		(SP_BASE_REG+0x10)

/* SP DMA full (R): [0] valid bit; dma full */
#define SP_DMA_FULL_REG		(SP_BASE_REG+0x14)

/* SP DMA busy (R): [0] valid bit; dma busy */
#define SP_DMA_BUSY_REG		(SP_BASE_REG+0x18)

/* SP semaphore (R/W): Read:  [0] semaphore flag (set on read) */
/*                     Write: [] clear semaphore flag */

/* SP PC (R/W): [11:0] program counter */
#define SP_PC_REG		0x04080000

/* SP MEM address: bit 12 specifies if address is IMEM or DMEM */
#define SP_DMA_DMEM		0x0000		/* Bit 12: 0=DMEM, 1=IMEM */
#define SP_DMA_IMEM		0x1000		/* Bit 12: 0=DMEM, 1=IMEM */

 * Values to clear/set bit in status reg (SP_STATUS_REG - write)
#define SP_CLR_HALT		0x00001	    /* Bit  0: clear halt */
#define SP_SET_HALT		0x00002	    /* Bit  1: set halt */
#define SP_CLR_BROKE		0x00004	    /* Bit  2: clear broke */
#define SP_CLR_INTR		0x00008	    /* Bit  3: clear intr */
#define SP_SET_INTR		0x00010	    /* Bit  4: set intr */
#define SP_CLR_SSTEP		0x00020	    /* Bit  5: clear sstep */
#define SP_SET_SSTEP		0x00040	    /* Bit  6: set sstep */
#define SP_CLR_INTR_BREAK	0x00080	    /* Bit  7: clear intr on break */
#define SP_SET_INTR_BREAK	0x00100	    /* Bit  8: set intr on break */
#define SP_CLR_SIG0		0x00200	    /* Bit  9: clear signal 0 */
#define SP_SET_SIG0		0x00400	    /* Bit 10: set signal 0 */
#define SP_CLR_SIG1		0x00800	    /* Bit 11: clear signal 1 */
#define SP_SET_SIG1		0x01000	    /* Bit 12: set signal 1 */
#define SP_CLR_SIG2		0x02000	    /* Bit 13: clear signal 2 */
#define SP_SET_SIG2		0x04000	    /* Bit 14: set signal 2 */
#define SP_CLR_SIG3		0x08000	    /* Bit 15: clear signal 3 */
#define SP_SET_SIG3		0x10000	    /* Bit 16: set signal 3 */
#define SP_CLR_SIG4		0x20000	    /* Bit 17: clear signal 4 */
#define SP_SET_SIG4		0x40000	    /* Bit 18: set signal 4 */
#define SP_CLR_SIG5		0x80000	    /* Bit 19: clear signal 5 */
#define SP_SET_SIG5	       0x100000	    /* Bit 20: set signal 5 */
#define SP_CLR_SIG6	       0x200000	    /* Bit 21: clear signal 6 */
#define SP_SET_SIG6	       0x400000	    /* Bit 22: set signal 6 */
#define SP_CLR_SIG7	       0x800000	    /* Bit 23: clear signal 7 */
#define SP_SET_SIG7	      0x1000000	    /* Bit 24: set signal 7 */

 * Patterns to interpret status reg (SP_STATUS_REG - read)
#define SP_STATUS_HALT		0x001		/* Bit  0: halt */
#define SP_STATUS_BROKE		0x002		/* Bit  1: broke */
#define SP_STATUS_DMA_BUSY	0x004		/* Bit  2: dma busy */
#define SP_STATUS_DMA_FULL	0x008		/* Bit  3: dma full */
#define SP_STATUS_IO_FULL	0x010		/* Bit  4: io full */
#define SP_STATUS_SSTEP		0x020		/* Bit  5: single step */
#define SP_STATUS_INTR_BREAK	0x040		/* Bit  6: interrupt on break */
#define SP_STATUS_SIG0		0x080		/* Bit  7: signal 0 set */
#define SP_STATUS_SIG1		0x100		/* Bit  8: signal 1 set */
#define SP_STATUS_SIG2		0x200		/* Bit  9: signal 2 set */
#define SP_STATUS_SIG3		0x400		/* Bit 10: signal 3 set */
#define SP_STATUS_SIG4		0x800		/* Bit 11: signal 4 set */
#define SP_STATUS_SIG5	       0x1000		/* Bit 12: signal 5 set */
#define SP_STATUS_SIG6	       0x2000		/* Bit 13: signal 6 set */
#define SP_STATUS_SIG7	       0x4000		/* Bit 14: signal 7 set */

 * Use of SIG bits

/* SP IMEM BIST REG (R/W): [6:0] BIST status bits; see below for detail */
#define SP_IBIST_REG	0x04080004

 * Patterns to interpret status reg (SP_BIST_REG - write)
#define SP_IBIST_CHECK		0x01		/* Bit 0: BIST check */
#define SP_IBIST_GO		0x02		/* Bit 1: BIST go */
#define SP_IBIST_CLEAR		0x04		/* Bit 2: BIST clear */

 * Patterns to interpret status reg (SP_BIST_REG - read)
/* First 2 bits are same as in write mode:  
 * Bit 0: BIST check; Bit 1: BIST go 
#define SP_IBIST_DONE		0x04		/* Bit 2: BIST done */
#define SP_IBIST_FAILED		0x78		/* Bit [6:3]: BIST fail */

 * DP Command Registers 
#define DPC_BASE_REG		0x04100000

/* DP CMD DMA start (R/W): [23:0] DMEM/RDRAM start address */
#define DPC_START_REG		(DPC_BASE_REG+0x00)

/* DP CMD DMA end (R/W): [23:0] DMEM/RDRAM end address */
#define DPC_END_REG		(DPC_BASE_REG+0x04)

/* DP CMD DMA end (R): [23:0] DMEM/RDRAM current address */

/* DP CMD status (R/W): [9:0] valid bits - see below for definitions */

/* DP clock counter (R): [23:0] clock counter */
#define DPC_CLOCK_REG		(DPC_BASE_REG+0x10)	

/* DP buffer busy counter (R): [23:0] clock counter */

/* DP pipe busy counter (R): [23:0] clock counter */

/* DP TMEM load counter (R): [23:0] clock counter */

 * Values to clear/set bit in status reg (DPC_STATUS_REG - write)
#define DPC_CLR_XBUS_DMEM_DMA	0x0001		/* Bit 0: clear xbus_dmem_dma */
#define DPC_SET_XBUS_DMEM_DMA	0x0002		/* Bit 1: set xbus_dmem_dma */
#define DPC_CLR_FREEZE		0x0004		/* Bit 2: clear freeze */
#define DPC_SET_FREEZE		0x0008		/* Bit 3: set freeze */
#define DPC_CLR_FLUSH		0x0010		/* Bit 4: clear flush */
#define DPC_SET_FLUSH		0x0020		/* Bit 5: set flush */
#define DPC_CLR_TMEM_CTR	0x0040		/* Bit 6: clear tmem ctr */
#define DPC_CLR_PIPE_CTR	0x0080		/* Bit 7: clear pipe ctr */
#define DPC_CLR_CMD_CTR		0x0100		/* Bit 8: clear cmd ctr */
#define DPC_CLR_CLOCK_CTR	0x0200		/* Bit 9: clear clock ctr */

 * Patterns to interpret status reg (DPC_STATUS_REG - read)
#define DPC_STATUS_XBUS_DMEM_DMA	0x001	/* Bit  0: xbus_dmem_dma */
#define DPC_STATUS_FREEZE		0x002	/* Bit  1: freeze */
#define DPC_STATUS_FLUSH		0x004	/* Bit  2: flush */
/*#define DPC_STATUS_FROZEN		0x008*/	/* Bit  3: frozen */
#define DPC_STATUS_START_GCLK		0x008	/* Bit  3: start gclk */
#define DPC_STATUS_TMEM_BUSY		0x010	/* Bit  4: tmem busy */
#define DPC_STATUS_PIPE_BUSY		0x020	/* Bit  5: pipe busy */
#define DPC_STATUS_CMD_BUSY		0x040	/* Bit  6: cmd busy */
#define DPC_STATUS_CBUF_READY		0x080	/* Bit  7: cbuf ready */
#define DPC_STATUS_DMA_BUSY		0x100	/* Bit  8: dma busy */
#define DPC_STATUS_END_VALID		0x200	/* Bit  9: end valid */
#define DPC_STATUS_START_VALID		0x400	/* Bit 10: start valid */

 * DP Span Registers 
#define DPS_BASE_REG		0x04200000

/* DP tmem bist (R/W): [10:0] BIST status bits; see below for detail */
#define DPS_TBIST_REG		(DPS_BASE_REG+0x00)

/* DP span test mode (R/W): [0] Span buffer test access enable */

/* DP span buffer test address (R/W): [6:0] bits; see below for detail */

/* DP span buffer test data (R/W): [31:0] span buffer data */

 * Patterns to interpret status reg (DPS_TMEM_BIST_REG - write)
#define DPS_TBIST_CHECK		0x01		/* Bit 0: BIST check */
#define DPS_TBIST_GO		0x02		/* Bit 1: BIST go */
#define DPS_TBIST_CLEAR		0x04		/* Bit 2: BIST clear */

 * Patterns to interpret status reg (DPS_TMEM_BIST_REG - read)
/* First 2 bits are same as in write mode:  
 * Bit 0: BIST check; Bit 1: BIST go 
#define DPS_TBIST_DONE		0x004		/* Bit 2: BIST done */
#define DPS_TBIST_FAILED	0x7F8		/* Bit [10:3]: BIST fail */

 * MIPS Interface (MI) Registers 
#define MI_BASE_REG		0x04300000

 * MI init mode (W): [6:0] init length, [7] clear init mode, [8] set init mode
 *                   [9/10] clear/set ebus test mode, [11] clear DP interrupt
 *              (R): [6:0] init length, [7] init mode, [8] ebus test mode

 * Values to clear/set bit in mode reg (MI_MODE_REG - write)
#define MI_CLR_INIT		0x0080		/* Bit  7: clear init mode */
#define MI_SET_INIT		0x0100		/* Bit  8: set init mode */
#define MI_CLR_EBUS		0x0200		/* Bit  9: clear ebus test */
#define MI_SET_EBUS		0x0400		/* Bit 10: set ebus test mode */
#define MI_CLR_DP_INTR		0x0800		/* Bit 11: clear dp interrupt */
#define MI_CLR_RDRAM		0x1000		/* Bit 12: clear RDRAM reg */
#define MI_SET_RDRAM		0x2000		/* Bit 13: set RDRAM reg mode */

 * Patterns to interpret mode reg (MI_MODE_REG - read)
#define MI_MODE_INIT		0x0080		/* Bit  7: init mode */
#define MI_MODE_EBUS		0x0100		/* Bit  8: ebus test mode */
#define MI_MODE_RDRAM		0x0200		/* Bit  9: RDRAM reg mode */

/* MI version (R): [7:0] io, [15:8] rac, [23:16] rdp, [31:24] rsp */
#define MI_VERSION_REG		(MI_BASE_REG+0x04)

/* MI interrupt (R): [5:0] valid bits - see below for bit patterns */
#define MI_INTR_REG		(MI_BASE_REG+0x08)

 * MI interrupt mask (W): [11:0] valid bits - see below for bit patterns 
 *                   (R): [5:0] valid bits - see below for bit patterns 

 * The following are values to check for interrupt setting (MI_INTR_REG)
#define MI_INTR_SP		0x01		/* Bit 0: SP intr */
#define MI_INTR_SI		0x02		/* Bit 1: SI intr */
#define MI_INTR_AI		0x04		/* Bit 2: AI intr */
#define MI_INTR_VI		0x08		/* Bit 3: VI intr */
#define MI_INTR_PI		0x10		/* Bit 4: PI intr */
#define MI_INTR_DP		0x20		/* Bit 5: DP intr */

 * The following are values to clear/set various interrupt bit mask
 * They can be ORed together to manipulate multiple bits 
 * (MI_INTR_MASK_REG - write)
#define MI_INTR_MASK_CLR_SP	0x0001		/* Bit  0: clear SP mask */
#define MI_INTR_MASK_SET_SP	0x0002		/* Bit  1: set SP mask */
#define MI_INTR_MASK_CLR_SI	0x0004		/* Bit  2: clear SI mask */
#define MI_INTR_MASK_SET_SI	0x0008		/* Bit  3: set SI mask */
#define MI_INTR_MASK_CLR_AI	0x0010		/* Bit  4: clear AI mask */
#define MI_INTR_MASK_SET_AI	0x0020		/* Bit  5: set AI mask */
#define MI_INTR_MASK_CLR_VI	0x0040		/* Bit  6: clear VI mask */
#define MI_INTR_MASK_SET_VI	0x0080		/* Bit  7: set VI mask */
#define MI_INTR_MASK_CLR_PI	0x0100		/* Bit  8: clear PI mask */
#define MI_INTR_MASK_SET_PI	0x0200		/* Bit  9: set PI mask */
#define MI_INTR_MASK_CLR_DP	0x0400		/* Bit 10: clear DP mask */
#define MI_INTR_MASK_SET_DP	0x0800		/* Bit 11: set DP mask */

 * The following are values to check for interrupt mask setting 
 * (MI_INTR_MASK_REG - read)
#define MI_INTR_MASK_SP		0x01		/* Bit 0: SP intr mask */
#define MI_INTR_MASK_SI		0x02		/* Bit 1: SI intr mask */
#define MI_INTR_MASK_AI		0x04		/* Bit 2: AI intr mask */
#define MI_INTR_MASK_VI		0x08		/* Bit 3: VI intr mask */
#define MI_INTR_MASK_PI		0x10		/* Bit 4: PI intr mask */
#define MI_INTR_MASK_DP		0x20		/* Bit 5: DP intr mask */

 * Video Interface (VI) Registers 
#define VI_BASE_REG		0x04400000

/* VI status/control (R/W): [15-0] valid bits: 
 *	[1:0]   = type[1:0] (pixel size) 
 *			0: blank (no data, no sync)
 *                      1: reserved
 *                      2: 5/5/5/3 ("16" bit)
 *                      3: 8/8/8/8 (32 bit)
 *	[2]     = gamma_dither_enable (normally on, unless "special effect")
 *	[3]     = gamma_enable (normally on, unless MPEG/JPEG)
 *	[4]     = divot_enable (normally on if antialiased, unless decal lines)
 *	[5]     = reserved - always off
 *	[6]     = serrate (always on if interlaced, off if not)
 *	[7]     = reserved - diagnostics only
 *	[9:8]   = anti-alias (aa) mode[1:0] 
 *			0: aa & resamp (always fetch extra lines)
 *                      1: aa & resamp (fetch extra lines if needed)
 *                      2: resamp only (treat as all fully covered)
 *                      3: neither (replicate pixels, no interpolate)
 *	[11]    = reserved - diagnostics only
 *	[15:12] = reserved
#define VI_STATUS_REG		(VI_BASE_REG+0x00)

/* VI origin (R/W): [23:0] frame buffer origin in bytes */
#define VI_ORIGIN_REG		(VI_BASE_REG+0x04)

/* VI width (R/W): [11:0] frame buffer line width in pixels */
#define VI_WIDTH_REG		(VI_BASE_REG+0x08)	

/* VI vertical intr (R/W): [9:0] interrupt when current half-line = V_INTR */
#define VI_INTR_REG		(VI_BASE_REG+0x0C)	

 * VI current vertical line (R/W): [9:0] current half line, sampled once per
 *	line (the lsb of V_CURRENT is constant within a field, and in
 *	interlaced modes gives the field number - which is constant for non-
 *	interlaced modes)
 * 	- Any write to this register will clear interrupt line
#define VI_CURRENT_REG		(VI_BASE_REG+0x10)	

 * VI video timing (R/W): [ 7: 0] horizontal sync width in pixels, 
 *			  [15: 8] color burst width in pixels,
 *                        [19:16] vertical sync width in half lines,   
 *			  [29:20] start of color burst in pixels from h-sync
#define VI_BURST_REG		(VI_BASE_REG+0x14)	

/* VI vertical sync (R/W): [9:0] number of half-lines per field */
#define VI_V_SYNC_REG		(VI_BASE_REG+0x18)	

/* VI horizontal sync (R/W): [11: 0] total duration of a line in 1/4 pixel 
 *			     [20:16] a 5-bit leap pattern used for PAL only 
 *				     (h_sync_period)
#define VI_H_SYNC_REG		(VI_BASE_REG+0x1C)	

 * VI horizontal sync leap (R/W): [11: 0] identical to h_sync_period
 *                                [27:16] identical to h_sync_period
#define VI_LEAP_REG		(VI_BASE_REG+0x20)	

 * VI horizontal video (R/W): [ 9: 0] end of active video in screen pixels
 *                          : [25:16] start of active video in screen pixels
#define VI_H_START_REG		(VI_BASE_REG+0x24)

 * VI vertical video (R/W): [ 9: 0] end of active video in screen half-lines
 *                        : [25:16] start of active video in screen half-lines
#define VI_V_START_REG		(VI_BASE_REG+0x28)

 * VI vertical burst (R/W): [ 9: 0] end of color burst enable in half-lines
 *                        : [25:16] start of color burst enable in half-lines
#define VI_V_BURST_REG		(VI_BASE_REG+0x2C)	

/* VI x-scale (R/W): [11: 0] 1/horizontal scale up factor (2.10 format)
 *		     [27:16] horizontal subpixel offset (2.10 format)
#define VI_X_SCALE_REG		(VI_BASE_REG+0x30)	

/* VI y-scale (R/W): [11: 0] 1/vertical scale up factor (2.10 format)
 *		     [27:16] vertical subpixel offset (2.10 format)
#define VI_Y_SCALE_REG		(VI_BASE_REG+0x34)	

 * Patterns to interpret VI_CONTROL_REG
#define VI_CTRL_TYPE_16		 0x00002    /* Bit [1:0] pixel size: 16 bit */
#define VI_CTRL_TYPE_32		 0x00003    /* Bit [1:0] pixel size: 32 bit */
#define VI_CTRL_GAMMA_DITHER_ON	 0x00004    /* Bit 2: default = on */
#define VI_CTRL_GAMMA_ON	 0x00008    /* Bit 3: default = on */
#define VI_CTRL_DIVOT_ON	 0x00010    /* Bit 4: default = on */
#define VI_CTRL_SERRATE_ON	 0x00040    /* Bit 6: on if interlaced */
#define VI_CTRL_ANTIALIAS_MASK	 0x00300    /* Bit [9:8] anti-alias mode */
#define VI_CTRL_DITHER_FILTER_ON 0x10000    /* Bit 16: dither-filter mode */

 * Possible video clocks (NTSC or PAL)
#define VI_NTSC_CLOCK		48681812        /* Hz = 48.681812 MHz */
#define VI_PAL_CLOCK		49656530        /* Hz = 49.656530 MHz */
#define VI_MPAL_CLOCK		48628316        /* Hz = 48.628316 MHz */

 * Audio Interface (AI) Registers 
 * The address and length registers are double buffered; that is, they
 * can be written twice before becoming full.
 * The address must be written before the length.
#define AI_BASE_REG		0x04500000

/* AI DRAM address (W): [23:0] starting RDRAM address (8B-aligned) */
#define AI_DRAM_ADDR_REG	(AI_BASE_REG+0x00)	/* R0: DRAM address */

/* AI length (R/W): [14:0] transfer length (v1.0) - Bottom 3 bits are ignored */
/*                  [17:0] transfer length (v2.0) - Bottom 3 bits are ignored */
#define AI_LEN_REG		(AI_BASE_REG+0x04)	/* R1: Length */

/* AI control (W): [0] DMA enable - if LSB == 1, DMA is enabled */
#define AI_CONTROL_REG		(AI_BASE_REG+0x08)	/* R2: DMA Control */

 * AI status (R): [31]/[0] ai_full (addr & len buffer full), [30] ai_busy 
 *		  Note that a 1->0 transition in ai_full will set interrupt
 *           (W): clear audio interrupt 
#define AI_STATUS_REG		(AI_BASE_REG+0x0C)	/* R3: Status */

 * AI DAC sample period register (W): [13:0] dac rate 
 *   - vid_clock/(dperiod + 1) is the DAC sample rate
 *   - (dperiod + 1) >= 66 * (aclockhp + 1) must be true
#define AI_DACRATE_REG		(AI_BASE_REG+0x10)	/* R4: DAC rate 14-lsb*/

 * AI bit rate (W): [3:0] bit rate (abus clock half period register - aclockhp)
 *   - vid_clock/(2 * (aclockhp + 1)) is the DAC clock rate
 *   - The abus clock stops if aclockhp is zero
#define AI_BITRATE_REG		(AI_BASE_REG+0x14)	/* R5: Bit rate 4-lsb */

/* Value for control register */
#define AI_CONTROL_DMA_ON	0x01			/* LSB = 1: DMA enable*/
#define AI_CONTROL_DMA_OFF	0x00			/* LSB = 1: DMA enable*/

/* Value for status register */
#define AI_STATUS_FIFO_FULL	0x80000000		/* Bit 31: full */
#define AI_STATUS_DMA_BUSY	0x40000000		/* Bit 30: busy */

/* DAC rate = video clock / audio frequency
 *   - DAC rate >= (66 * Bit rate) must be true
#define AI_MAX_DAC_RATE         16384           /* 14-bit+1 */
#define AI_MIN_DAC_RATE         132

/* Bit rate <= (DAC rate / 66) */
#define AI_MAX_BIT_RATE         16              /* 4-bit+1 */
#define AI_MIN_BIT_RATE         2

 * Maximum and minimum values for audio frequency based on video clocks
 *   max frequency = (video clock / min dac rate)
 *   min frequency = (video clock / max dac rate)
#define AI_NTSC_MAX_FREQ        368000          /* 368 KHz */
#define AI_NTSC_MIN_FREQ        3000            /*   3 KHz ~ 2971 Hz */

#define AI_PAL_MAX_FREQ         376000          /* 376 KHz */
#define AI_PAL_MIN_FREQ         3050            /*   3 KHz ~ 3031 Hz */

#define AI_MPAL_MAX_FREQ        368000          /* 368 KHz */
#define AI_MPAL_MIN_FREQ        3000            /*   3 KHz ~ 2968 Hz */

 * Peripheral Interface (PI) Registers 
#define PI_BASE_REG		0x04600000

/* PI DRAM address (R/W): [23:0] starting RDRAM address */
#define PI_DRAM_ADDR_REG	(PI_BASE_REG+0x00)	/* DRAM address */

/* PI pbus (cartridge) address (R/W): [31:0] starting AD16 address */

/* PI read length (R/W): [23:0] read data length */
#define PI_RD_LEN_REG		(PI_BASE_REG+0x08)

/* PI write length (R/W): [23:0] write data length */
#define PI_WR_LEN_REG		(PI_BASE_REG+0x0C)

 * PI status (R): [0] DMA busy, [1] IO busy, [2], error
 *           (W): [0] reset controller (and abort current op), [1] clear intr
#define PI_STATUS_REG		(PI_BASE_REG+0x10)

/* PI dom1 latency (R/W): [7:0] domain 1 device latency */
#define PI_BSD_DOM1_LAT_REG	(PI_BASE_REG+0x14)

/* PI dom1 pulse width (R/W): [7:0] domain 1 device R/W strobe pulse width */
#define PI_BSD_DOM1_PWD_REG	(PI_BASE_REG+0x18)

/* PI dom1 page size (R/W): [3:0] domain 1 device page size */
#define PI_BSD_DOM1_PGS_REG	(PI_BASE_REG+0x1C)    /*   page size */

/* PI dom1 release (R/W): [1:0] domain 1 device R/W release duration */
#define PI_BSD_DOM1_RLS_REG	(PI_BASE_REG+0x20)

/* PI dom2 latency (R/W): [7:0] domain 2 device latency */
#define PI_BSD_DOM2_LAT_REG	(PI_BASE_REG+0x24)    /* Domain 2 latency */

/* PI dom2 pulse width (R/W): [7:0] domain 2 device R/W strobe pulse width */
#define PI_BSD_DOM2_PWD_REG	(PI_BASE_REG+0x28)    /*   pulse width */

/* PI dom2 page size (R/W): [3:0] domain 2 device page size */
#define PI_BSD_DOM2_PGS_REG	(PI_BASE_REG+0x2C)    /*   page size */

/* PI dom2 release (R/W): [1:0] domain 2 device R/W release duration */
#define PI_BSD_DOM2_RLS_REG	(PI_BASE_REG+0x30)    /*   release duration */


#define PI_DOM_LAT_OFS		0x00
#define PI_DOM_PWD_OFS		0x04
#define PI_DOM_PGS_OFS		0x08
#define PI_DOM_RLS_OFS		0x0C

 * PI status register has 3 bits active when read from (PI_STATUS_REG - read)
 *	Bit 0: DMA busy - set when DMA is in progress
 *	Bit 1: IO busy  - set when IO is in progress
 *	Bit 2: Error    - set when CPU issues IO request while DMA is busy
#define	PI_STATUS_ERROR		0x04
#define	PI_STATUS_IO_BUSY	0x02
#define	PI_STATUS_DMA_BUSY	0x01

/* PI status register has 2 bits active when written to:
 *	Bit 0: When set, reset PIC
 *	Bit 1: When set, clear interrupt flag
 * The values of the two bits can be ORed together to both reset PIC and 
 * clear interrupt at the same time.
 * Note: 
 *	- The PIC does generate an interrupt at the end of each DMA. CPU 
 *	needs to clear the interrupt flag explicitly (from an interrupt 
 *	handler) by writing into the STATUS register with bit 1 set.
 *	- When a DMA completes, the interrupt flag is set.  CPU can issue
 *	another request even while the interrupt flag is set (as long as
 *	PIC is idle).  However, it is the CPU's responsibility for
 *	maintaining accurate correspondence between DMA completions and
 *	interrupts.
 *	- When PIC is reset, if PIC happens to be busy, an interrupt will
 *	be generated as PIC returns to idle.  Otherwise, no interrupt will
 *	be generated and PIC remains idle.
 * Values to clear interrupt/reset PIC (PI_STATUS_REG - write)
#define	PI_STATUS_RESET		0x01

#define	PI_STATUS_CLR_INTR	0x02

#define	PI_DMA_BUFFER_SIZE	128

#define PI_DOM1_ADDR1		0x06000000	/* to 0x07FFFFFF */
#define PI_DOM1_ADDR2		0x10000000	/* to 0x1FBFFFFF */
#define PI_DOM1_ADDR3		0x1FD00000	/* to 0x7FFFFFFF */
#define PI_DOM2_ADDR1		0x05000000	/* to 0x05FFFFFF */
#define PI_DOM2_ADDR2		0x08000000	/* to 0x0FFFFFFF */

 * RDRAM Interface (RI) Registers 
#define RI_BASE_REG		0x04700000

/* RI mode (R/W): [1:0] operating mode, [2] stop T active, [3] stop R active */
#define RI_MODE_REG		(RI_BASE_REG+0x00)	

/* RI config (R/W): [5:0] current control input, [6] current control enable */
#define RI_CONFIG_REG		(RI_BASE_REG+0x04)

/* RI current load (W): [] any write updates current control register */

/* RI select (R/W): [2:0] receive select, [2:0] transmit select */

/* RI refresh (R/W): [7:0] clean refresh delay, [15:8] dirty refresh delay,
 *		     [16] refresh bank, [17] refresh enable 
 *		     [18] refresh optimize 
#define RI_REFRESH_REG		(RI_BASE_REG+0x10)

/* RI latency (R/W): [3:0] DMA latency/overlap */
#define RI_LATENCY_REG		(RI_BASE_REG+0x14)

/* RI error (R): [0] nack error, [1] ack error */
#define RI_RERROR_REG		(RI_BASE_REG+0x18)

/* RI error (W): [] any write clears all error bits */

 * Serial Interface (SI) Registers 
#define SI_BASE_REG		0x04800000

/* SI DRAM address (R/W): [23:0] starting RDRAM address */
#define SI_DRAM_ADDR_REG	(SI_BASE_REG+0x00)	/* R0: DRAM address */

/* SI address read 64B (W): [] any write causes a 64B DMA write */
#define SI_PIF_ADDR_RD64B_REG	(SI_BASE_REG+0x04)	/* R1: 64B PIF->DRAM */

/* Address SI_BASE_REG + (0x08, 0x0c, 0x14) are reserved */

/* SI address write 64B (W): [] any write causes a 64B DMA read */
#define SI_PIF_ADDR_WR64B_REG	(SI_BASE_REG+0x10)	/* R4: 64B DRAM->PIF */

 * SI status (W): [] any write clears interrupt
 *           (R): [0] DMA busy, [1] IO read busy, [2] reserved
 *                [3] DMA error, [12] interrupt
#define SI_STATUS_REG		(SI_BASE_REG+0x18)	/* R6: Status */

/* SI status register has the following bits active:
 *	0:   DMA busy		- set when DMA is in progress
 *	1:   IO busy		- set when IO access is in progress
 *	3:   DMA error		- set when there are overlapping DMA requests
 *     12:   Interrupt		- Interrupt set
#define	SI_STATUS_DMA_BUSY	0x0001
#define	SI_STATUS_RD_BUSY	0x0002
#define	SI_STATUS_DMA_ERROR	0x0008
#define	SI_STATUS_INTERRUPT	0x1000

 * Development Board GIO Control Registers 

#define GIO_BASE_REG		0x18000000

/* Game to Host Interrupt */

/* Game to Host SYNC */

/* Host to Game Interrupt */

 * Common macros
#if defined(_LANGUAGE_C) || defined(_LANGUAGE_C_PLUS_PLUS)
#define	IO_READ(addr)		(*(vu32 *)PHYS_TO_K1(addr))
#define	IO_WRITE(addr,data)	(*(vu32 *)PHYS_TO_K1(addr)=(u32)(data))
#define RCP_STAT_PRINT							\
	rmonPrintf("current=%x start=%x end=%x dpstat=%x spstat=%x\n",	\
        IO_READ(DPC_CURRENT_REG),					\
        IO_READ(DPC_START_REG),						\
        IO_READ(DPC_END_REG),						\
        IO_READ(DPC_STATUS_REG),					\


#endif  /* _RCP_H_ */