Appendix A N64 Function List (Extract)

Display List Control
<GBI Commands>
gSPSegmentSet the segment register and base address.
gSPBranchLessZProcess the model's LOD.
gSPBranchLessZrgProcess the model's LOD.
gSPBranchListBranch the display list.
gSPDisplayListBranch execution with the current display list.
gSPEndDisplayListTerminate the display list command.
gSPLoadUcode Load specified microcode.
gSPLoadUcodeL Load specified microcode.
gDPPipeSyncSynchronize the RDP attribute change which is on the primitive drawing.
gDPFullSyncSignal the end of a frame.
gDPLoadSyncSynchronize the texture load which is on the primitive drawing.
gDPTileSyncSynchronize the texture tile change which is on the primitive drawing.

Drawing Primitives
<GBI Commands>
gSPVertex Load the vertex to the on-chip vertex cache.
gSPModifyVertexUpdate the vertex data after the RSP accepts it.
gSP1TriangleDraw a triangle. (The single triangle surface command.)
gSPLine3DDraw a line. (Single Line Drawing Command.)
gSPLineW3DDraw a line that includes a width specification.
gSP2TrianglesThe triangle surface command. (Draw two triangles.)
gSPSprite2DdrawSpecify the screen coordinate of the sprite and initiate the rendering.
gDPFillRectangleDraw a single-color rectangle using the screen coordinate.
gDPScisFillRectangleDraw a single-color rectangle using the screen coordinate.
gSPTextureRectangleDraw a textured 2D rectangle.
gSPTextureRectangleFlipDraw a rectangle using the s/t inversion on the texture coordinate.
gSPScisTextureRectangleDraw a rectangle using the scissoring on the texture coordinate.

Perspective Transformation, Clipping and Scissoring
<Utility Functions>
guFrustumCalculate a perspective projection matrix.
guFrustumFCalculate a perspective projection matrix.
guLookAtCalculate a 'lookat' view matrix.
guLookAtFCalculate a 'lookat' view matrix.
guOrthoCalculate a positive projection matrix.
guOrthoFCalculate a positive projection matrix.
guPerspectiveCalculate a perspective drawing projection matrix.
guPerspectiveFCalculate a perspective drawing projection matrix.
<GBI Commands>
gSPViewport Load the view port using the projection parameter.
gSPPerspNormalizeNormalize the perspective projection.
gSPClipRatioSpecify the relative ratio between clipping and scissoring.
gDPSetScissorSpecify the scissoring box using the screen coordinate.
gdSPDefLookAt Load the x and y screen space coordinate directions to the lookat structure.

<GBI Commands>
gSPSetGeometryModeSet the geometry pipeline mode.
gSPClearGeometryModeClear the geometry pipeline mode.
gSPCullDisplayListCull volumes from the display list if they lie outside the screen.

<Utility Functions>
guPosLightPseudo-represent positional light.
guPosLightHilitePseudo-represent positional light.
<GBI Commands>
gSPSetGeometryModeSet the geometry pipeline mode.
SPClearGeometryModeClear the geometry pipeline mode.
gSPLightLoad light to the RSP.
gSPLightColorChange the light color of the RSP quickly.
gSPNumLights Specify the number of the light structure that loads to RSP.
gSPSetLightsLoad the light structure to the RSP.
gdSPDefLights Load the parameter that defines a light to the light structure.

Specular Highlight
<Utility Functions>
guLookAtHiliteCalculate the lookat viewing matrix, and set the light structure that sets the default color and the viewing direction. Then calculate the texture offsets of two specular highlights.
guLookAtHiliteF<the same as the above>
<GBI Commands>
gSPLookAt Load the 'lookat' structure to the RSP for specular highlights or reflection mapping.
gSPLookAtX<the same as the above>
gSPLookAtY<the same as the above>
gDPSetHilite1TileSet the texture parameter in the RDP to be used when rendering the specular highlight.
gDPSetHilite2Tile<the same as the above>

Reflection Mapping
<Utility Functions>
guLookAtReflectCalculate the 'lookat' viewing matrix, and set up the 'lookat' structure for the reflection mapping.
guLookAtReflectF<the same as the above>
<GBI Commands>
gSPSetGeometryModeSet the geometry pipeline mode.
gSPClearGeometryModeClear the geometry pipeline mode.
gSPLookAtLoad the 'lookat' structure to the RSP for the specular highlight or reflection mapping.
gSPLookAtX<the same as the above>
gSPLookAtY<the same as the above>

Matrix Operations
<Utility Functions>
guAlignCalculate vector alignment for the modeling matrix.
guAlignFCalculate vector alignment for the modeling matrix.
guLookAtStereoCalculate the lookat view matrix for the stereo graphics display.
guLookAtStereoF Calculate lookat view matrix for the stereo graphics display.
guMtxCatFConcatenate two 4x4 floating-point matrices using multiplication.
guMtxCatL Concatenate two 4x4 fixed-point matrices using multiplication.
guMtxF2LConvert the 4x4 floating-point matrix to the fixed-point matrix.
guMtxIdentCreate the 4x4 fixed-point identity matrix.
guMtxIdentFCreate the 4x4 floating-point matrix.
guMtxL2FCreate the 4x4 fixed-point matrix to the floating-point matrix.
guMtxXFMFProvide the point coordinate transformation using the 4x4 floating-point matrix.
guMtxXFMLProvide the point coordinate transformation using the 4x4 fixed-point matrix.
guNormalizeNormalize the vector.
guPositionCalculate the modeling matrix.
guPositionFCalculate the modeling matrix.
guRotateRotate the modeling matrix.
guRotateF<the same as the above>
guRotateRPY<the same the above>
guRotateRPYF<the same as the above>
guScaleCalculate the scaling matrix.
guScaleFCalculate the scaling modeling matrix.
guTranslateCalculate the conversion modeling matrix.
guTranslateFCalculate the conversion modeling matrix.
<GBI Commands>
gSPMatrixLoad the matrix, concatenate, and push the stack.
gSPPopMatrixPop the matrix stack.
gSPForceMatrixLoad the new MP matrix.
gSPInsertMatrixUpdate the matrix element without using multiplication.

RDP Setting
< GBI Commands>
gDPPipelineModeTurn ON/OFF the coherent pipeline mode of the span cache buffer.
gDPSetCycleTypeSet the RDP cycle type.
gDPSetDepthSourceSet the type of the source Z to use for comparing the depth buffer.
gDPSetColorImageSet the color of the frame buffer area.
gDPSetDepthImage Set the Z-Buffer area.
gSPSetOtherModeSet or clear the RDP othermode.

<Utility Functions>
guLoadTextureBlockMipMapCalculate the MIP-map pyramid from the original texture, and return the MIP-map texture with the required display list for drawing.
<GBI Commands>
gSPTexture Make the texture effective and specify the scaling of the texture.
gDPLoadBlockLoad TMEM using this low-level TMEM load macro.
gDPLoadTLUT_pal16 Load the CI4 (16 colors) pallet to texture memory.
gDPLoadTLUT_pal256Load the CI8 (256 colors) pallet to texture memory.
gDPLoadTextureBlockLoad the consecutive texture block to TMEM.
gDPLoadTextureBlock_4bLoad the consecutive 4-bit texture block to TMEM.
gDPLoadTextureTileLoad a part of a large texture image to TMEM.
gDPLoadTextureTile_4bLoad a part of a large 4-bit texture image to TMEM.
gDPSetTextureImageSet the texture area.
gDPSetTextureConvertControl and convert the color texture filter.
gDPSetTextureDetailTurn ON/OFF the detail texture.
gDPSetTextureFilter Set the filter type on the sampling of the texture tile.
gDPSetTextureLODTurn ON/OFF LOD for the MIP-map texture.
gDPSetTextureLUTSet the full color texture or the textualizing of the table look-up
gDPSetTexturePerspTurn ON/OFF texture map perspective transformation correction.
gDPSetTile Set the parameter for one of the eight tile descriptors.
gDPSetTileSizeSet the parameter for one of the eight tile descriptors.

Using the Color Combiner
<GBI Commands>
gDPSetCombineModeSet the color combine mode.
gDPSetPrimColorSet the RDP primitive color.
gDPSetEnvColorSet the RDP environment color.
gDPSetConvert Set the matrix coefficient to convert the YUV pixel to RGB.

Using the Chroma Key
<GBI Commands>
gDPSetCombineKeyTurn ON/OFF chroma keying.
gDPSetKeyRSelect the color of the chroma key operation.
gDPSetKeyGB<the same as the above>

Using the Blender
<GBI Commands>
gDPSetBlendColorSet the RDP blend color.
gDPSetRenderModeSet the rendering mode of the blender.
gDPSetAlphaCompare Set the alpha compare mode of the writing condition to the frame buffer.
gDPSetAlphaDither Turn ON/OFF the alpha dither.
gDPSetColorDitherTurn ON/OFF the RGB color dither.
gDPSetPrimDepthSet the primitive depth.

Using Fog
<GBI Commands>
gSPSetGeometryMode Set the geometry pipeline mode.
gSPClearGeometryModeClear the geometry pipeline mode.
gSPFogPositionSpecify the thickness of the fog.
gDPSetFogColorSet the RDP fog color.

Mathematical Calculation Utilities
sinf, sinsCalculate the sine of the angle using floating or fixed-point.
cosf, cossCalculate the cosine of the angle using floating or fixed-point.
sqrtfCalculate the square root.
guRandomCalculate a 32-bit integer random number.

N64 Operating System Initialization
osInitializeInitialize the hardware and software.

osCreateThreadCreate a thread.
osDestroyThreadDelete a thread.
osGetThreadIdGet the debugger ID of a thread.
osGetThreadPriGet the priority of a thread.
osSetThreadPriReset the priority of a thread.
osStartThreadStart or restart the execution of a thread.
osStopThreadStop a thread.
osYieldThreadYield CPU access and activate the thread dispatcher.

osCreateMesgQueueCreate a message queue.
osSendMesgSend a message and synchronize.
osJamMesgSend a message and synchronize.
osRecvMesgReceive a message and synchronize.
osSetEventMesgRegister the message queue and message each time an event occurs.

osCreateSchedulerCreate the RCP task scheduler.
osScAddClientAdd the client to the RCP task scheduler.
osScGetTaskQ Get the message queue used for the communication with the scheduler thread.
osScRemoveClientDelete the client from the RCP task scheduler.

osSpTaskLoadLoad the received task to the SP.
osSpTaskStartStart the SP task.
osSpTaskStartGoLoad and start the SP task.
osSpTaskYieldRequest to yield the SP task.
osSpTaskYieldedValidate the break of the SP task.

Display Processor
osDpGetCountersGet the inside execution counter of the display processor (DP).
osDpGetStatusGet the status of the display processor (DP).
osDpSetStatusSet the status of the display processor (DP).
osDpSetNextBufferSet the DMA transfer of the display processor (DP).

osContInitDetect and initialize the Controller.
osContResetReset all Controllers.
osContSetChSet the number of accepting Controllers.
osContStartQueryIssue the create command to acquire the status and type of the Controller.
osContGetQueryGet the state and type of the Controller.
osContStartReadDataIssue the lead command to get the state of the Controller.
osContGetReadDataGet the 3D stack and the button status.

Controller Pak
osPfsAllocateFileCreate the specified file.
osPfsDeleteFileDelete the specified file.
osPfsFindFileBrowse the specified file.
osPfsCheckerCheck and repair the file system of the Controller Pak.
osPfsFileStateGet the file information of the Controller Pak.
osPfsNumFilesGet the file number of the Controller Pak.
osPfsFreeBlocksGet the space size (in number of bytes) of the Controller Pak.
osPfsIsPlugDetect the Controller Pak.
osPfsReSizeFileMake the file the specified length.
osPfsReadWriteFileRead and write the file data.
osPfsSetLabelWrite the label of the Controller Pak.
osPfsGetLabelGet the label of the Controller Pak.
osMotorInitInitialize the Rumble Pak.
osMotorStartWork the Rumble Pak.
osMotorStopStop the Rumble Pak.
osPfsInitPakInitialize the file handle of the Controller Pak.
osPfsRepairIdCorrect the ID area of the Controller Pak.

osEepromLongReadRead the data of several EEPROM blocks.
osEepromLongWriteWrite the data of several EEPROM blocks.
osEepromProbeDetect EEPROM.
osEepromReadRead one EEPROM block.
osEepromWriteWrite one EEPROM block.

AI (Audio Interface)
osAiGetStatus Get the status of the audio interface (AI).
osAiGetLengthGet the DMA remaining transfer amount of the audio interface (AI).
osAiSetFrequency Get the frequency of the audio interface (AI).
osAiSetNextBufferSet the DMA transfer of the audio interface (AI).

PI (Parallel Interface)
osPiRawStartDmaSet the DMA transfer of PI (low level).
osPiRawWriteIoWrite PI I/O (low level).
osPiRawReadIoRead PI I/O (low level).
osPiGetStatusGet the status of PI.
osPiStartDma Set the DMA transfer of PI using the PI Manager.
osPiWriteIoWrite PI I/O using the PI Manager.
osPiReadIoRead PI I/O using the PI Manager.
osCreatePiManagerCreate the PI Manager.
osPiGetCmdQueueGet the command queue of the PI Manager.
osCartRomInitReturn information about hardware setting that are required by the Game Pak.
osDriveRomInitReturn information about hardware setting that are required by the ROM in the N64 Disk Drive.
osEPiWriteIoProvide "32bit IO Write" to the PI device address (devAddr), and store its value to "data".
osEPiReadIo Provide "32 bit IO Read" from the PI device address (devAddr), and store the value in "data."
osEPiRawStartDmaObtain low-level access to EPI without using the PI Manager.
osEPiStartDmaObtain access to EPI by using the PI Manager.

VI (Video Interface)
osTvTypeGet the television system.
osViGetStatusGet the VI status.
osViGetCurrentModeGet the current VI mode.
osViGetCurrentLineGet the VI half line.
osViGetCurrentFieldGet the VI field number.
osViGetCurrentFramebufferGet the current frame buffet address.
osViGetNextFramebufferGet the next frame buffer address.
osViSetModeSet the VI mode.
osViSetEventRegister the vertical synchronization event message to the VI Manager.
osViSetSpecialFeaturesSet the VI special features.
osViSetXScaleSet the VI horizontal expanding ratio.
osViSetYScaleSet the VI vertical expanding ratio.
osViSwapBufferRegister the frame buffer displayed in the next frame.
osViBlackBlack out the VI screen.
osViFadeFade out the VI screen.
osViRepeatLineDisplay the first scan line to all frames.
osCreateViManager Create the VI Manager.

OS_NSEC_TO_CYCLESConvert nanoseconds (ns) to the cycle number of the CPU count register.
OS_USEC_TO_CYCLESConvert microseconds (ms) to the cycle number of the CPU count register.
OS_CYCLES_TO_NSEC Convert cycle number of the CPU count register to the time in nanoseconds (ns).
OS_CYCLES_TO_USECConvert the cycle number of the CPU count register to the time in microseconds (ms).
osGetTimeGet the real time counter value.
osSetTimeSet the real time counter value.
osSetTimerStart the interval or count-down timer.
osStopTimerStop the interval or count-down timer.

Administration of Virtual and Physical Addresses
OS_K0_TO_PHYSICALConvert the CPU virtual address (KSEG0), which is direct-mapped with cache, to the physical address.
OS_K1_TO_PHYSICALConvert the CPU virtual address (KSEG1), which is direct-mapped without cache, to the physical address.
OS_PHYSICAL_TO_K0Convert the physical address to the direct-map CPU virtual address (KSEG0) with cache.
OS_PHYSICAL_TO_K1Convert the physical address to the direct-map CPU virtual address (KSEG1) without cache.
osVirtualToPhysicalConvert the CPU virtual address to the physical address.
osPhysicalToVirtualConvert the CPU physical address to the virtual address.
osMapTLBSet up the CPU virtual address mapping.
osUnmapTLBFree the CPU virtual address mapping.
osUnmapTLBAllFree all the CPU virtual address mapping.
osSetTLBASIDSet the ID setting of the CPU virtual address mapping.
osGetRegionBufSizeGet the size of the memory buffer.

Cache Management
OS_DCACHE_ROUNDUP_ADDRRound up address or size values to adapt to the data cache line size, and make the address the physical address.
OS_DCACHE_ROUNDUP_SIZE<the same as the above>
osInvalDCacheNullify the CPU data cache line.
osInvalICacheNullify the CPU instruction cache line.
osWritebackDCacheWrite back the CPU data cache line to the physical memory.
osWritebackDCacheAllWrite back the CPU data cache line to the physical memory.

Memory Region Library
osCreateRegionInitialize the memory allocation region.
osMallocAllocate the memory region.
osFree Free the memory region.
osGetRegionBufCountGet the buffer count created in the region.
osGetRegionBufSizeGet the size allocated to each buffer in the region.

Emulator Board and Host Communications
osReadHostRead data from the host.
osWriteHostWrite data to the host.
osTestHostGet the data transfer state from the host.
uhCloseGameClose the data communication facility between the host (Indy) and the emulator board.
uhOpenGameOpen the data communication facility between the host (Indy) and the emulator board.
uhReadGame Read data from the game to send it to the host (Indy).
uhReadRamromRead data from RAMROM.
uhWriteGameWrite data from the host (Indy) to the game.
uhWriteRamromWrite data to RAMROM.

gDPNoOpTagNO-OP command of the RDP.
gDPNoOpNO-OP command of the RDP.
guParseGbiDL Display using the decodable format of the GBI display list.
guParseRdpDLDisplay using the decodable format of the low-level RDP display list.
guDumpRawRdpDL<the same as the above>
osSyncPrintfOutput the formatted text to the debug board.

osCreateLogInitialize logging.
osLogEvent Add the entry of logging.
osFlushLogOutput logged data to the host.

osProfileInitInitialize the profiled segment count buffer.
osProfileStartStart the counter between profilers.
osProfileStopStop the counter between profilers.
osProfileFlushTransfer the profiler data to the host.
gperfAnalyze the profiler data.

00>OS Global Variables
osTvTypeType configuration.
osMemSizeSize of the main memory (DRAM).
osResetTypeType of the system reboot.

Manage CPU Registers and Error Handler
osGetCountGet the count register of CPU.
osGetIntMaskGet the interrupt mask.
osSetIntMaskSet the interrupt mask.
osSetErrorHandler Set the error handling routine of the debug library.

Sprite Library
spColorSet the sprite color.
spDrawCreate the display list to display the sprite on the screen.
spFinish Reset the graphics mode to default at the end of the sprite drawing.
spInitSet the graphics mode required for the sprite drawing.
sp, spIntroIntroduce the sprite library.
spMoveSpecify the position of the top left-hand angle on the sprite screen.
spScaleChange the size and shape of the sprite.
spScissorSet the border area drawn.
spSetAttribute Set the designated attribute.
spClearAttributeClear the designated attribute.
spSetZSet the depth value (the Z value) of the sprite.
mksprite, mksprite32, mkispriteConvert RGB file to the sprite data structure of the C language.

Audio Library
alAudioFrameCreates an audio command list for one frame.
alBnkfNew Initializes a bank file for use on the Nintendo 64.
alCents2RatioConverts an s32 cents value to an f32 ratio.
alCloseShuts down the N64 Audio Library.
alCSeqGetLoc Initializes a marker with the current sequence location for use with the compressed MIDI sequence player.
alCSeqGetTicksReturns the number of MIDI clock ticks of the compressed MIDI sequence location.
alCSeqNewInitializes an N64 compressed MIDI sequence structure.
alCSeqNewMarkerInitializes a sequence marker at a given location for use with the compressed MIDI sequence player.
alCSeqNextEventReturns the next MIDI event from the compressed MIDI sequence.
alCSeqSecToTicksConverts from seconds to MIDI clock ticks.
alCSeqSetLocSets the current sequence location within the compressed MIDI sequence.
alCSeqTicksToSecConverts from MIDI clock ticks to seconds.
alCSPDeleteDeallocates a MIDI sequence player.
alCSPGetChlFXMixReturns the effect mix for the given MIDI channel.
alCSPGetChlPan Returns the pan position for the given MIDI channel.
alCSPGetChlPriorityReturns the priority for the given MIDI channel.
alCSPGetChlProgramReturns the MIDI program number assigned to a MIDI channel.
alCSPGetChlVolReturns the volume for the given MIDI channel.
alCSPGetSeqReturns the sequence currently assigned to the compressed MIDI sequence player.
alCSPGetTempoReturns the tempo of the current sequence.
alCSPGetVolReturns the overall sequence volume.
alCSPNewInitializes a compressed MIDI sequence player.
alCSPPlayStarts the target sequence playing.
alCSPSetBankSpecifies the instrument bank for the sequence player to use.
alCSPSetChlFXMixSets the effect mix on the given MIDI channel.
alCSPSetChlPanSets the pan position for the given MIDI channel.
alCSPSetChlPrioritySets the priority for the given MIDI channel.
alCSPSetChlProgramAssigns a MIDI program to a MIDI channel.
alCSPSetChlVolSets the volume for the given MIDI channel.
alCSPSetSeqSets the compressed MIDI sequence player's target sequence.
alCSPSetTempoSpecifies the tempo for the sequence player to use.
alCSPSetVolSets the overall sequence volume.
alCSPStopStops the target compressed MIDI sequence.
alHeapAllocAllocates memory from an Nintendo 64 audio heap.
alHeapCheckChecks the consistency of an N64 audio heap.
alHeapInitInitializes an audio heap for use with the Nintendo 64 Audio Library.
alInit Initializes the N64 Audio Library.
alSeqGetLocInitializes a marker with the current sequence location.
alSeqGetTicksReturns the number of MIDI clock ticks of the sequence location.
alSeqNew Initializes an N64 MIDI sequence structure.
alSeqNewMarkerInitializes a sequence marker at a given location.
alSeqNextEventReturns the next MIDI event in the sequence.
alSeqpDelete Deallocates a MIDI sequence player.
alSeqpGetChlFXMixReturns the effect mix for the given MIDI channel.
alSeqpGetChlPanReturns the pan position for the given MIDI channel.
alSeqpGetChlPriorityReturns the priority for the given MIDI channel.
alSeqpGetChlProgramReturns the MIDI program number assigned to a MIDI.
alSeqpGetChlVolReturns the volume for the given MIDI channel.
alSeqpGetSeqReturns the sequence currently assigned to the ALSeqPlayer.
alSeqpGetTempoReturns the tempo of the current sequence.
alSeqpGetVol Returns the overall sequence volume.
alSeqpLoopSets sequence loop points.
alSeqpNewInitializes a Type 0 MIDI sequence player.
alSeqpPlay Starts the target sequence playing.
alSeqpSendMidiSends the given MIDI message to the sequence player.
alSeqpSetBankSpecifies the instrument bank for the sequence player to use.
alSeqpSetChlFXMixSets the effect mix on the given MIDI channel.
alSeqpSetChlPanSets the pan position for the given MIDI channel.
alSeqpSetChlPrioritySets the priority for the given MIDI channel.
alSeqpSetChlProgramAssigns a MIDI program to a MIDI channel.
alSeqpSetChlVolSet the volume for the given MIDI channel.
alSeqpSetSeqSets the sequence player's target sequence.
alSeqpSetTempoSpecifies the tempo for the sequence player to use.
alSeqpSetVolSets the overall sequence volume.
alSeqpStopStop the target sequence.
alSeqSecToTicksConverts from seconds to MIDI clock ticks.
alSeqSetLocSets the current sequence location.
alSeqTicksToSecConverts from MIDI clock ticks to seconds.
alSndpAllocateAllocates a sound to a sound player.
alSndpDeallocateDeallocates a sound from a sound player.
alSndpDeleteDeallocates a sound player.
alSndGetSound Gets the identifier of the current target sound in a sound player.
alSndpGetStateGets the state (playing, stopping, or stopped) of the current target sound.
alSndpNew Initializes a sound player.
alSndpPlayStarts playing the current target sound.
alSndpPlayAtStarts playing the current target sound at a specified time.
alSndpSetFXMixSets the wet/dry mix of the current target sound.
alSndpSetPanSets the pan position of the current target sound.
alSndpSetPitchSets the pitch of the current target sound.
alSndpSetPrioritySets the priority of a sound.
alSndpSetSoundSets the current target sound in a sound player.
alSndpSetVolSets the volume of the current target sound.
alSndpStopStops playing the current target sound.
alSynAddPlayerAdds a client player to the synthesizer.
alSynAllocFXAllocates an audio effect processor.
alSynAllocVoiceAllocates a synthesizer voice.
alSynFreeVoiceDeallocates a synthesizer voice.
alSynGetFXRefGets the address of an effect.
alSynGetPriorityRequests the priority of a voice.
alSynHeapSizeGet the heap size of the synthesizer
alSynNewAllocates the specified synthesizer driver.
alSynRemovePlayerRemoves a player from the synthesizer driver.
alSynSetFXMixSets the wet/dry effect mix for a voice.
alSynSetFXParamSets an effect parameter to the specified value.
alSynSetPan Sets the stereo pan position of the specified voice.
alSynSetPitchSets the pitch of the specified voice.
alSynSetPrioritySets the priority of the specified voice.
alSynSetVolSets the target volume of the specified voice.
alSynStartVoiceStarts synthesizing audio samples with the specified voice.
alSynStartVoiceParamStarts synthesizing audio samples with the specified voice using the specified parameters.
alSynStopVoiceStops generating audio samples with the specified voice.

64DD Leo Functions
LeoByteToLBAConverts a byte size to an LBA number.
LeoLBAToByteConverts an LBA number to a byte size.
LeoClearQueueClears the Leo Manager command queue.
LeoCJCreateLeoManagerStart (Game Pak boot, Japanese version).
LeoCACreateLeoManagerStart (Game Pak boot, English version).
LeoCreateLeoManager Start (disk boot).
LeoGetKAdrGets the kanji storage offset address from the Shift JIS code sjis.
LeoGetAAdrGets the ASCII character storage offset address from the character code.
LeoGetAAdr2Gets the ASCII character storage offset address from the character information data code.
LeoInquiryChecks the version number of the hardware and the software.
LeoModeSelectAsync Changes the time for switching between 64DD modes.
LeoReadCapacityCalculates the usable area of the disk.
LeoReadDiskIDGets the disk ID.
LeoReadRTCReads the time of the built-in real-time clock.
LeoSetRTCSets the time of the built-in real-time clock.
LeoReadWriteReads from and writes to 64DD.
LeoResetStops any further execution of commands sent to Leo Manager and clears the command queue.
LeoResetClearReleases 64DD from the Reset state.
LeoRezeroRecalibrates the 64DD.
LeoSeekExecutes the command to seek on 64DD.
LeoSpdlMotorControls the 64DD motor and heads.
LeoTestUnitReadyChecks the 64DD status.