2.0I PC Release Notes for 64DD (12/15/98)

Development Environment


This release of the 64DD development environment (version 2.0I for RCP2.0) includes various patches released since 2.0H.

The directory structure under /usr/src/PR has been reorganized. The demonstration software is now installed in /usr/src/PR/demos. For other details about the directory structure, please refer to /usr/src/PR/README.jp. Also, refer to /usr/src/PR/demos/README_DEMOS_64DD.jp for an explanation about each demonstration software program.

If a conflict occurs when installing and the message "Cannot delete the old version because the patch is dependent" is displayed, please select the option "Also delete the patch.".

New Functions:


New Demonstration Software:

A 64DD sample program. It calls the disk function while displaying to the screen, and uses the 64DD built-in ROM font to display the resulting error and its corresponding error message.

Changed Demonstration Software:

tile_rect3d.disk and font were deleted. For programming, please refer to ddspgame.


The size of the dedicated IPL for the development-use drive (/usr/lib/PR/ipl4rom) used to be 4 Mbytes because it included the wave data and font data. However, these have been deleted, so the IPL is smaller. To access this wave data and font data during development, use the data in the IPLROM cassette. For details, please see Chapter 5 of the 64DD Programming Manual.

Version Number:

The LeoInquiry() function obtains 3 as the software version number for version 2.0I. For a detailed explanation about this version number, see Chapter 7 in the 64DD Programming Manual.

Expanded Functions:


Functions no longer supported:



For details, please see each tool section in the Functions Manual.

The new tool "ramstart" was added. When a disk type is given as an argument, the starting LBA of the RAM area of this type is displayed.

The -m option was added. This is for creating mwrite and mwrite.id from the master data.




The documents add and organize the information.

You must handle the RAM area very carefully when creating the master data. For details, please refer to Chapter 12.4 of the 64DD Programming Manual.

