alCSPPlay (function)

alCSPPlay, n_alCSPPlay

Starts the target sequence playing


#include <libaudio.h>     /* libaudio.h */
void alCSPPlay(    ALCSPlayer *seqp);
#include <n_libaudio.h>     /* n_libaudio.h */
void n_alCSPPlay(N_ALCSPlayer *seqp);


Pointer to the compressed MIDI sequence player


alCSPPlay causes the sequence player specified by seqp to start playing its target sequence. To set the target sequence, call the alCSPSetSeq function.

Before starting a sequence, initialize the sequence by calling the alCSeqNew function, initialize the bank by calling alBnkfNew function, and set the bank file by calling the alCSPSetBank function.

For details on n_audio library, see "Chapter 28: n_audio library" in the N64 Programming Manual.

See Also

alCSPSetBank, alCSPSetSeq, alCSPStop, alCSeqPlayer, alCSeqNew, and alBnkfNew

Revision History

1999/04/30 Changed Format