alSeqNew (function)

Initializes an N64 MIDI sequence structure


#include <libaudio.h>     /* libaudio.h */

void alSeqNew(ALSeq *seq, u8 *ptr, s32 len);


Pointer to the ALSeq structure that you want to initialize

Pointer to the MIDI data

Length of the MIDI data in bytes


To play a MIDI sequence with the Sequence Player, you must first initialize the ALSeq runtime data structure with a pointer to the MIDI sequence data (ptr) and the length of the data (len).

Note that the MIDI sequence must be a Type 0 Standard MIDI file as specified by the MIDI Manufacturer's Association. You can use the midicvt tool to convert from a Type 1 sequence to a Type 0 sequence.

See Also

alSeq, alSeqPlayer, and midicvt

Revision History

1999/04/30 Changed Format