PI (Parallel Interface)

osPiRawStartDma ...  Sets a PI DMA transfer (low level).
osPiRawWriteIo ...  I/O write with the PI (low level).
osPiRawReadIo ...  I/O read with the PI (low level).
osPiGetStatus ...  Gets the status of the PI.
osPiStartDma ...  Sets a DMA transfer with the PI (via the PI Manager).
osPiWriteIo ...  I/O write with the PI (via the PI Manager).
osPiReadIo ...  I/O read with the PI (via the PI Manager).
osCreatePiManager ...  Creates the PI Manager.
osPiGetCmdQueue ...  Gets the command queue of the PI Manager.
osCartRomInit ...  Returns the needed information about hardware settings when using the game pak.
osDriveRomInit ...  Returns the needed information about hardware settings when using the 64DD's ROM.
osEPiWriteIo ...  Performs a 32-bit IO write operation to the PI device address "devAddr."
osEPiReadIo ...  Performs a 32-bit IO read operation from the PI device address "devAddr," and stores the value in "data."
osEPiRawStartDma ...  Accesses the EPI at a low level (without using the PI Manager).
osEPiStartDma ...  Uses the PI Manager to start a DMA transfer between RDRAM and the expanded parallel interface (EPI).