Creates an orthogonal projection matrix (fixed point)
#include <ultra64.h> /* gu.h */
void guOrtho(
Mtx *m,
float l,
float r,
float b,
float t,
float n,
float f,
float scale);
Returns an orthogonal projection matrix to the structure specified by m for a parallel view of the orthogonal projection. When this function is called, the result is the creation of the following kind of projection matrix:
The near clipping plane is a rectangle with the lower-left vertex at (l, b, -n) and the upper-right vertex at (r, t, -n). The far clipping plane is a rectangle with the lower-left vertex at (l, b, -f) and the upper-right vertex at (r, t, -f). Both near and far (n and f) can take either positive or negative values. For details about the fixed-point format, see gSPMatrix. Floating point is handled with the guOrthoF function.
In this function, the near plane and far plane are proportionate with the z plane in the world coordinate system, which differs from the specifications made with guPerspective. In the case of guPerspective, distances are always specified using positive values. Also, the resolution of the Z buffer declines as the distance between the near plane and far plane increases.
The Mtx structure looks like this:
typedef long Mtx_t[4][4];
typedef union {
Mtx_t m;
long long int force_structure_alignment;
} Mtx;
gSPMatrix, guFrustum, guFrustumF, guLookAt, guLookAtF, guOrthoF, guPerspective, and guPerspectiveF
03/01/99 Completely rewritten.