void MusPtrBankSetCurrent(void *ipbank);
It sets the address of the current default sample bank.
The default sample bank is used when the MusStartSong() or the MusStartSongFromMarker() functions are used to start songs, if no sample bank override has been defined with the MusPtrBankSetSingle() function.
The default sample bank is used when the MusStartEffect() or the MusStartEffect2() function is used to start sound effects, if no sample bank override is defined. The MusFxBankSetSingle() function is used to specify the sound effect override for the sound effect that starts next.
The ipbank must be the address of a sample pointer bank file that has been initialized with the MusPtrBankInitialize() function.
void StackSampleBank(void *sample_addr) { sample_bank_stack[stack_ptr++]=MusPtrBankGetCurrent(); MusPtrBankSetCurrent(sample_addr); } void UnStackSampleBank(void) { MusPtrBankSetCurrent(sample_bank_stack[--stack_ptr]); }
MusPtrBankInitialize(), MusPtrBankGetCurrent(), MusPtrBankSetSingle()