It specifies page number as an argument and deletes the sector which contains the specified page number.
The size of 1 sector is 128 pages (16K bytes), and each page of 0~0x7f, 0x80~0xff, 0x100~0x17f... is considered to be 1 sector.
The difference between this function and osFlashSectorErase is that it does not conduct status check when delete ends in osFlashSectorEraseThrough.
Although the execution of osFlashSectorEraseThrough
is done immediately, it
takes several msec to several hundred msec to actually delete data.
Whether or not deletion of data has ended is determined by executing osFlashCheckEraseEnd.
Do not execute other osFlash functions between osFlashSectorEraseThrough
and osFlashCheckEraseEnd.
This is because the status of Flash may be changed when other osFlash
functions are executed prior to the execution of osFlashCheckEraseEnd.