osCreateLog, osLogEvent, osFlushLog
Functions as a logging utility
#include <ultra64.h> /* ultra64.h */ void osCreateLog(OSLog *log, u32 *base, s32 len); void osLogEvent(OSLog *log, s16 code, s16 numArgs, ....); void osFlushLog(OSLog *log);
The osLogEvent routine adds an entry to the given log. The log entry begins with a 16-bit code, followed by an additional argument count (numArgs), and finally the additional arguments themselves. There may be no more than OS_LOG_MAX_ARGS, or 16, additional arguments. The arguments are limited to 32-bit quantities, and may not be address pointers, including character strings.
osCreateLog, osFlushLog, and gload
1999/04/30 Changed format