2.0I PC Release Notes for naudio (12/15/98)


This directory contains a patch for using the n_audio microcode & library with OS2.0i.

Changes were made because some bugs were found in the previous version of the n64kit patch.

*How to Install

First install OS 2.0i, then install this patch.

When you execute n_audio_pc.exe contained together with this file, you are prompted for the installation destination. Please enter the directory under which the development environment has been installed (the default is c:\ultra).

*How to Use

n_audio For details about how to use the n_audio library, please refer to Chapter 28 in the Programming Manual.

*New Demo Software:

playseq.naudio is the playseq sample program modified to support n_audio.


Library name of N_AUDIO has been changed to libgn_audia.a from libn_audio.a.

The following changes were made to the header file, n_libaudio.h.

  1. extern declaration related with n_audio micro code was included. Specifically, following two lines were added.
    extern long long int n_aspMainTextStart[], n_aspMainTextEnd[];
    extern long long int n_aspMainDataStart[], n_aspMainDataEnd[];
  2. A declaration of the function n_alSynFreeFX() was added. However, it is not implemented like SGI audio library.
  3. A declaration of the function n_alSynSetFXtype() was deleted. This is because the SGI audio library function alSynSetFXtype() which corresponds to this function does not exist, and also this function itself is incomplete.

Due to the above changes, the following changes were made to the header file, n_libaudio_s_to_n.h.

  1. A macro to convert the SGI audio library function alSynFreeFX() into n_audio library function n_alSynFreeFX() was added.
  2. A macro to convert the SGI audio library function alSynSetFXtype() into n_audio library function n_alSynSetFXtype() was deleted.

*Directory Structure

     |  |
     |  +-<PR>                 Header file
     +-<lib>                   Library
     |  |
     |  +-<PR>                 Microcode
           |  |
           |  +-<libnaudio>      Library source
              +-<playseq.naudio> Sample program
                                 Sound data(including IC-compiled data)