2.0I SGI Release Notes for naudio (12/15/98)



The n_audio library, which was released as a patch for 2.0H, is contained in Version 2.0I for RCP 2.0.

The directory structure under /usr/src/PR was changed completely and demo software is supposed to be installed in /usr/src/PR/demos. Refer to /usr/src/PR/README.txt for other detailed structure. Refer to /usr/src/PR/demos/README_DEMOS_NAUDIO.txt for description of each demo software.

New functions:

Refer to Chapter 28 "n_audio Library" of the N64 Programming Manual for details such as how to use the n_audio library.

New demo software:

playseq.naudio This is a sample program playseq which was changed to be compatible with n_audio. This is a modification of playseq_naudio, which was attached as a patch when released. A bug was contained that caused Partner-N64 to stop due to a large amount of error outputs when Partner-N64 was used. This was fixed for n_audio. Other than that, this is same as the previous sample program playseq_naudio.

Modified demo software:



The following changes were made to the header file, n_libaudio.h.

  1. 1.extern declaration related with n_audio microcode was included. Specifically, the following two lines were added.

    extern long long int n_aspMainTextStart[], n_aspMainTextEnd[];
    extern long long int n_aspMainDataStart[], n_aspMainDataEnd[];

  2. A declaration of the function n_alSynFreeFX() was added. However, it is not implemented like SGI audio library.

  3. A declaration of the function n_alSynSetFXtype() was deleted. This is because the SGI audio library function alSynSetFXtype() which corresponds to this function does not exist, and also this function itself is incomplete.

Due to the above changes, the following changes were made to the header file, n_libaudio_s_to_n.h.

  1. A macro to convert the SGI audio library function alSynFreeFX() into n_audio library function n_alSynFreeFX() was added.

  2. A macro to convert the SGI audio library function alSynSetFXtype() into n_audio library function n_alSynSetFXtype() was deleted.

Expanded functions:


Functions which will no longer be supported:





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