Appendix #1 - Flags

/* Nintendo Intermediate File Format 2.0 Extension Flags */

/* ShapeList -> Shape -> shape_type */


/* ObjList -> Obj -> obj_render_type* */

N64 Style

In the document of NIFF1.0, we describe the flag setting render mode.
But this may be hard to use, especially for designers.
So we changed N64 type render mode definition.
Please set the following name and new n64 style bit.
These names are "#define" macro name in /usr/include/PR/gbi.h, they are 
usually used by N64 programmers.


 obj_render_type0 and obj_render_type0_for_fog

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[     0x4     |       render_macro        ]

render_macro  bit     name

OPA_SURF      0x100   Opaque Surface
XLU_SURF      0x101   Transparent Surface
OPA_DECAL     0x102   Opaque Decal(Only zbuffer using)
XLU_DECAL     0x103   Transparent Decal(Only zbuffer using)
OPA_INTER     0x104   Opaque Interpenetration(Only Anti-alias and zbuffer using)
XLU_INTER     0x105   Transparent Interpenetration(Only Anti-aliasing and zbuffer using)
TEX_EDGE      0x106   Texture Edge(Without Point sampling and zbuffer using)
TEX_INTER     0x107   Texture Interpenetration(Only Anti-aliasing and zbuffer using)
SUB_SURF      0x108   Subcutaneous Surface(Only Anti-aliasing)
PCL_SURF      0x109   Particle Surface
OPA_TERR      0x10a   Opaque Terrain(Only Anti-aliasing)
TEX_TERR      0x10b   Texture Terrain(Only Anti-aliasing)
SUB_TERR      0x10c   Subcutaneous Terrain(Only Anti-aliasing)
CLD_SURF      0x10d   Cloud Surface(Only Point sampling)
OVL_SURF      0x10e   Overlay Surface(Only Point sampling and zbuffer using)
ADD	      0x10f   Add pixel color onto memory color
NOOP	      0x110   Noop
PASS	      0x111   Pass
FOG_SHADE_A   0x112   Shading Fog
FOG_PRIM_A    0x113   Primitive Fog


#define OBJ_RENDER_TYPE0_GBI_MODE     0x01000000

#define OBJ_RENDER_TYPE0_OPA_SURF     0x100
#define OBJ_RENDER_TYPE0_XLU_SURF     0x101
#define OBJ_RENDER_TYPE0_OPA_DECAL    0x102
#define OBJ_RENDER_TYPE0_XLU_DECAL    0x103
#define OBJ_RENDER_TYPE0_OPA_INTER    0x104
#define OBJ_RENDER_TYPE0_XLU_INTER    0x105
#define OBJ_RENDER_TYPE0_TEX_EDGE     0x106
#define OBJ_RENDER_TYPE0_TEX_INTER    0x107
#define OBJ_RENDER_TYPE0_SUB_SURF     0x108
#define OBJ_RENDER_TYPE0_PCL_SURF     0x109
#define OBJ_RENDER_TYPE0_OPA_TERR     0x10a
#define OBJ_RENDER_TYPE0_TEX_TERR     0x10b
#define OBJ_RENDER_TYPE0_SUB_TERR     0x10c
#define OBJ_RENDER_TYPE0_CLD_SURF     0x10d
#define OBJ_RENDER_TYPE0_OVL_SURF     0x10e
#define OBJ_RENDER_TYPE0_ADD          0x10f
#define OBJ_RENDER_TYPE0_NOOP         0x110
#define OBJ_RENDER_TYPE0_PASS         0x111
#define OBJ_RENDER_TYPE0_FOG_PRIM_A   0x113

 obj_render_type1 and obj_render_type1_for_fog

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[     0x4     |       render_macro        ]

render_macro  bit     name

OPA_SURF      0x200   Opaque Surface
XLU_SURF      0x201   Transparent Surface
OPA_DECAL     0x202   Opaque Decal(Only zbuffer using)
XLU_DECAL     0x203   Transparent Decal(Only zbuffer using)
OPA_INTER     0x204   Opaque Interpenetration(Only Anti-alias and zbuffer using)
XLU_INTER     0x205   Transparent Interpenetration(Only Anti-aliasing and zbuffer using)
TEX_EDGE      0x206   Texture Edge(Without Point sampling and zbuffer using)
TEX_INTER     0x207   Texture Interpenetration(Only Anti-aliasing and zbuffer using)
SUB_SURF      0x208   Subcutaneous Surface(Only Anti-aliasing)
PCL_SURF      0x209   Particle Surface
OPA_TERR      0x20a   Opaque Terrain(Only Anti-aliasing)
TEX_TERR      0x20b   Texture Terrain(Only Anti-aliasing)
SUB_TERR      0x20c   Subcutaneous Terrain(Only Anti-aliasing)
CLD_SURF      0x20d   Cloud Surface(Only Point sampling)
OVL_SURF      0x20e   Overlay Surface(Only Point sampling and zbuffer using)
ADD	      0x20f   Add pixel color onto memory color
NOOP	      0x210   Noop


#define OBJ_RENDER_TYPE1_GBI_MODE     0x01000000

#define OBJ_RENDER_TYPE1_OPA_SURF     0x200
#define OBJ_RENDER_TYPE1_XLU_SURF     0x201
#define OBJ_RENDER_TYPE1_OPA_DECAL    0x202
#define OBJ_RENDER_TYPE1_XLU_DECAL    0x203
#define OBJ_RENDER_TYPE1_OPA_INTER    0x204
#define OBJ_RENDER_TYPE1_XLU_INTER    0x205
#define OBJ_RENDER_TYPE1_TEX_EDGE     0x206
#define OBJ_RENDER_TYPE1_TEX_INTER    0x207
#define OBJ_RENDER_TYPE1_SUB_SURF     0x208
#define OBJ_RENDER_TYPE1_PCL_SURF     0x209
#define OBJ_RENDER_TYPE1_OPA_TERR     0x20a
#define OBJ_RENDER_TYPE1_TEX_TERR     0x20b
#define OBJ_RENDER_TYPE1_SUB_TERR     0x20c
#define OBJ_RENDER_TYPE1_CLD_SURF     0x20d
#define OBJ_RENDER_TYPE1_OVL_SURF     0x20e
#define OBJ_RENDER_TYPE1_ADD          0x20f
#define OBJ_RENDER_TYPE1_NOOP         0x210

/* TexList -> Tex -> tex_filter */

#define NIFF2_TEX_FILTER_POINT                0x00000000
#define NIFF2_TEX_FILTER_BILERP               0x00000001
#define NIFF2_TEX_FILTER_AVERAGE              0x00000002

/* TexList -> Tex -> use_perspective_correction */

#define NIFF2_NO_PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION       0x00000000
#define NIFF2_PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION          0x00000001

/* TexList -> Tex -> mipmap_level */

#define NIFF2_NO_MIPMAP                       0x00000000

/* TexList -> Tex -> use_color_palette */

#define NIFF2_NO_USE_COLOR_PALETTE            0x00000000
#define NIFF2_USE_COLOR_PALETTE               0x00000001

/* AnimList -> AnimGroup */

#define NIFF2_ANIM_CHANNEL_NO_USE                       0x00000000
#define NIFF2_ANIM_CHANNEL_ROTATE_AXIS                  0x00000001
#define NIFF2_ANIM_CHANNEL_ROTATE_X                     0x00000002
#define NIFF2_ANIM_CHANNEL_ROTATE_Y                     0x00000004
#define NIFF2_ANIM_CHANNEL_ROTATE_Z                     0x00000008
#define NIFF2_ANIM_CHANNEL_ORIENTATION_XY               0x00000010
#define NIFF2_ANIM_CHANNEL_TRANSLATION                  0x00000020
#define NIFF2_ANIM_CHANNEL_UNIQUE_SCALE              0x00000040
#define NIFF2_ANIM_CHANNEL_CLASSICAL_SCALE              0x00000080
#define NIFF2_ANIM_CHANNEL_UPVECTOR_CONSTRAINT          0x00000400
#define NIFF2_ANIM_CHANNEL_POSITION_CONSTRAINT          0x00000800

/* AnimList -> AnimGroup -> *** -> interpolation_type */

#define NIFF2_INTERPOLATION_TYPE_CONST        0x00000000
#define NIFF2_INTERPOLATION_TYPE_FULL         0x00000001
#define NIFF2_INTERPOLATION_TYPE_LINEAR       0x00000002
#define NIFF2_INTERPOLATION_TYPE_HERMITE      0x00000003

/* CiImgList -> CiImg -> ci_img_pixel_depth */

#define NIFF2_CI_PIXEL_DEPTH_4                0x00000004
#define NIFF2_CI_PIXEL_DEPTH_8                0x00000008

/* ColorPaletteList -> ColorPalette -> color_num */

#define NIFF2_PALETTE_COLOR_16                0x00000010
#define NIFF2_PALETTE_COLOR_256               0x00000100

/* ColorPaletteList -> ColorPalette -> color_type */

#define NIFF2_PALETTE_RGBA16                  0x00000000
#define NIFF2_PALETTE_IA16                    0x00000001

/* JointList -> Joint -> joint_type */

#define NIFF2_1ST_JOINT                       0x00000000
#define NIFF2_2ND_JOINT                       0x00000001
#define NIFF2_JOINT_UP                        0x00000000
#define NIFF2_JOINT_DOWN                      0x00010000

/* JointList -> Joint -> joint_index */

#define NIFF2_NO_LINK_TO_JOINT                0xffffffff

/* JointList -> Joint -> effector_index */

#define NIFF2_NO_LINK_TO_EFFECTOR             0xffffffff