15. EnvelopeList

(1) EnvelopeList

u32 envelope_list_tag Describes the tags of EnvelopeList. Please set the tags shown below.

TAG_ENVELOPE_LIST       0x00220000

u32 envelope_list_header_size Describes the EnvelopeListHeader byte size.
u32 envelope_list_size Describes the EnvelopeList byte size.
u32 envelope_num Describes the Envelope number.
u32 envelope_size Describes the Envelope byte size.
Envelope This is the Envelope area.

Appendix ... about Envelope System

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(2) Envelope
u32 envelope_tag Describes the tags of Envelope. Please set the tags shown below.

TAG_ENVELOPE            0x00220100

u32 this_envelope_index Describes the Envelope index number.
u32 envelope_size Describes the Envelope byte size.
u32 envelope_name_index Specifies the Envelope name with the NameList index number.
u32 envelope_type 0x0
u32 full_weighted_part_num Describes the FullWeightedPart number.
u32 weighted_part_num Describes the WeightedPart number.
u32 morph_part_num Describes the MorphPart number.
u32 envelope_tri_num Describes the EnvelopeTri number.
FullWeightedPart FullWeightPart is the group of vertices for which all Weight are 100% in the Envelope.
WeightedPart WeightedPart is the group of vertices expressed in a normal Envelope.
MorphPart MorphPart is the group of vertices influenced only by single-axis rotation in the Envelope.
EnvelopeTri Display 1 polygon using the vertices that belong to one of the parts in the Envelope.

Appendix ... about Envelope System

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(3) FullWeightedPart
u32 full_weighted_part_tag Describes the tags of FullWeightedPart. Please specify the tags shown below.


u32 this_full_weighted_part_index Describes the index number of the FullWeightedPart in this Envelope.
u32 full_weighted_part_size Describes the FullWeightedpart byte size.
u32 full_weighted_part_name_index Describes this FullWeightedpart name with a NameList index number.
u32 kind_of_transform_node_full Use the tags below to describe the node type that influences the Part:

TAG_OBJ_LIST            0x00020000
TAG_CHAIN_ROOT_LIST     0x00240000
TAG_JOINT_LIST          0x00250000
TAG_EFFECTOR_LIST       0x00260000

For an external reference, please describe with 0xffffffff.
u32 transform_node_index_full Describes the index number of the node that influences the Part.

For an external reference, please describe with 0xffffffff.

u32 external_transform_obj_file_name_index When the Obj that influences the FullWeightedPart references an external file, that file name is described with an ExternalNameList index number.

Please do not include the directory name etc. when describing this file name.

If there is no external reference, please describe with 0xffffffff.

u32 external_transform_obj_name_index When the Obj that influences the FullWeightedPart references an external file, that Obj name is described with an ExternalNameList index number.

If there is no external reference, please describe with 0xffffffff.

u32 full_weighted_vtx_group_index Describes the index number for the VtxGroup specifying the vertex coordinates in this part.
u32 full_weighted_vtx_nv_group_index Describes the index number for the VtxNvGroup specifying the normal vectors of vertices in this part.
u32 full_weighted_tri_nv_group_index Describes the index number for the TriNvGroup specifying the normal vectors of the polygons in this part.
u32 full_weighted_vtx_color_group_index Describes the index number for the VtxColorGroup specifying the vertex color in this part.
u32 full_weighted_tri_color_group_index Describes the index number for the TriNvGroup specifying the polygon color in this part.
u32 full_weighted_st_group_index Describes the index number for the StGroup specifying the ST values of the vertices in this part.

Appendix ... about Envelope System

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(4) WeightedPart
u32 weighted_part_tag Describes the tags of WeightedPart. Please specify the tags shown below.

TAG_WEIGHTED_PART       0x00220120

u32 this_weighted_part_index Describes this WeightedPart index number.
u32 weighted_part_size Describes the WeightedPart byte size.
u32 weighted_part_name_index Describes the WeightedPart name with a NameList index number.
u32 affected_node_num Describes the node number that influences the vertices in this part.
u32 weight_st_group_index Describes the StGroup index number indicating the vertices in this part.
u32 external_affected_obj_num Describes the Obj number that influences an external file reference WeightedPart.
u32 kind_of_affected_node Use the tags shown below to describe the node type that influences the vertices in this part.

TAG_OBJ_LIST            0x00020000
TAG_CHAIN_ROOT_LIST     0x00240000
TAG_JOINT_LIST          0x00250000
TAG_EFFECTOR_LIST       0x00260000

u32 affected_node_index Describes the node index number that influences the vertices in this part.
u32 external_affected_obj_file_name_index When the Obj that influences this WeightedPart references an external file, that file name is described with an ExternalNameList index number.

Please do not include the directory name etc. when describing this file name.

If there is no external reference (external_affected_obj_num = 0), this field is not described.

u32 external_affected_obj_name_index When the Obj that influences this WeightedPart references an external file, that Obj name is described with an ExternalNameList index number.

If there is no external reference (external_affected_obj_num = 0), this field is not described.

u32 weight_group_index Describes the WeightGroup index number indicating the weight value of the influence to each vertex from the node.

Save the weight value so that the indexes are the same in the various WeightGroup pertaining to the corresponding vertex.

u32 weight_vtx_group_index Describes the VtxGroup index number indicating the vertices in this part.

Save vertex so that the indexes are the same in the various VtxGroup pertaining to the corresponding vertex.

u32 weight_vtx_nv_group_index Describes the VtxNvGroup index number indicating the vertices in this part.

Save vertex normal so that the indexes are the same in the various VtxNvGroup pertaining to the corresponding vertex.

u32 weight_tri_nv_group_index Describes the TriNvGroup index number indicating the vertices in this part.

Save triangle normal so that the indexes are the same in the various TriNvGroup pertaining to the corresponding triangle.

u32 weight_vtx_color_group_index Describes the VtxColorGroup index number indicating the vertices in this part.

Save vertex color so that the indexes are the same in the various VtxColorGroup pertaining to the corresponding vertex.

u32 weight_tri_color_group_index Describes the TriNvGroup index number indicating the vertices in this part.

Save triangle color so that the indexes are the same in the various TriColorGroup pertaining to the corresponding triangle.

Appendix ... about Envelope System

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(5) MorphPart
u32 morph_part_tag Describes the tags of MorphPart. Please specify the tags shown below.

TAG_MORPH_PART          0x00220130

u32 this_morph_part_index Describes this MorphPart index number.
u32 morph_part_size Describes the MorphPart byte size.
u32 morph_part_name_index Describes the MorphPart name with a NameList index number.
u32 kind_of_node0
u32 kind_of_node1
Use the tags below to describe the node type that influences this part:

TAG_OBJ_LIST            0x00020000
TAG_JOINT_LIST          0x00250000

For an external reference, please describe with 0xffffffff.
u32 node_index0
u32 node_index1
Describes the node index number that influences this part.

For an external reference, please describe with 0xffffffff.

u32 external_obj0_file_name_index
u32 external_obj1_file_name_index
When the Obj that influences this MorphPart references an external file, that file name is described with an ExternalNameList index number.

Please do not include the directory name etc. when describing this file name.

If there is no external reference, please describe with 0xffffffff.

u32 external_obj0_name_index
u32 external_obj1_name_index
When the Obj that influences this MorphPart references an external file, that Obj name is described with an ExternalNameList index number.

If there is no external reference, please describe with 0xffffffff.

u32 morph_st_group_index Describes the StGroup index number specified in this part in correspondence to the table.
u32 table_num This part divides the angle between two nodes by the specified number and makes a table from which vertices are influenced. Here the divisor is described. Please describe either 9, 17, 33 or 65.
u32 morph_vtx_group_index Describes the VtxGroup index number specified in this part in correspondence to the table.

The values in VtxGroup are the coordinate values for the node indicated by node_index0.

u32 morph_vtx_nv_group_index Describes the VtxNvGroup index number specified in this part in correspondence to the table.

The values in VtxNvGroup are the normal vector values for the node indicated by node_index0.

u32 morph_tri_nv_group_index Describes the TriNvGroup index number specified in this part in correspondence to the table.

The values in TriNvGroup are the normal vector values for the node indicated by node_index0.

u32 morph_vtx_color_group_index Describes the VtxColorGroup index number specified in this part in correspondence to the table.
u32 morph_tri_color_group_index Describes the TriColorGroup index number specified in this part in correspondence to the table.

Appendix ... about Envelope System

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(6) EnvelopeTri
u32 envelope_tri_tag Describes the tags of EnvelopeTri. Please set the tags shown below.

TAG_ENVELOPE_TRI       0x00220180

u32 this_envelope_tri_index Describes the EnvelopeTri index number.
u32 envelope_tri_size Describes the EnvelopeTri byte size.
u32 kind_of_envelope_for_tri The tags shown below describe the type of Envelope part that is used by tri_nv_index and tri_color_index.

TAG_WEIGHTED_PART       0x00220120
TAG_MORPH_PART          0x00220130

u32 envelope_part_index_for_tri Describes the index number of the Envelope part used by tri_nv_index and tri_color_index.
u32 tri_nv_index Describes the normal vector index number of this triangle.

If polygons with four or more sides are to be automatically divided with the CG tool, please output the data such that the same index is indicated for each triangle that is created.

u32 tri_color_index Specifies this triangle's color.

If polygons with four or more sides are to be automatically divided with the CG tool, please output the data such that the same index is indicated for each triangle that is created.

u32 weight_index_tri When this triangle is a WeightedPart, this describes it with the WeightGroup index number that indicates the weight value.
Enter 0xffffffff if this vertex is not a WeightedPart.

If polygons with four or more sides are to be automatically divided with the CG tool, please output the data such that the same index is indicated for each triangle that is created.

EnvelopeVtx This is the EnvelopeVtx area. Describes the Vtx comprising this triangle.

Appendix ... about Envelope System

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(7) EnvelopeVtx
u32 kind_of_envelope_part The tags shown below describe the Envelope type of this vertex.

TAG_WEIGHTED_PART       0x00220120
TAG_MORPH_PART          0x00220130

u32 envelope_part_index Describes the index number of the Envelope part.

The Envelope parts (FullWeightedPart, WeightedPart and MorphPart) indicate different types of part which differ in the way the vertices in the Envelope are weighted.

u32 vtx_index Describes the index number of the vertex.
u32 st_index Describes the index number of the ST value of the vertex.
u32 vtx_nv_index Describes the index number of the normal vectors of the vertex.

Please output so it is identical to vtx_index.

u32 vtx_color_index Describes the index number for the color of the vertex.
u32 weight_index When this vertex is a WeightedPart, this describes it with the WeightGroup index number that indicates the weight value.
Enter 0xffffffff if this vertex is not a WeightedPart.

Appendix ... about Envelope System

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