mgiApp* Basic Functions of Application Program

Variable gMgiApp The actual application itself
Structure MgiApp MgiApp structure
Function mgiAppInit Initializes the application
Function mgiAppMainLoop Enters the main loop
Function mgiAppAddRenderJob Adds a render job
Function mgiAppInsertRenderJob Inserts a render job in front of a job which has already been added
Function mgiAppRemoveRenderJob Cancels a render job
Function mgiAppAddFrameJob Adds a frame job
Function mgiAppInsertFrameJob Inserts a frame job in front of a job which has already been added
Function mgiAppRemoveFrameJob Cancels a frame job
Macros _mgiAppAddCharacter Adds an MgiCharacter job as a render job
Macros _mgiAppGetHierarchy Returns a pointer to the scene hierarchy
Macros _mgiAppGetScene Returns a pointer to the scene

mgiCharacter* Provides Minimum Functions for Managing Characters

Structure MgiCharacter MgiCharacter Structure
Function mgiCharacterInit Initializes character
Function mgiCharacterActivate Makes it so that MgiControl can be used
Function mgiCharacterInactivate Makes it so that MgiControl cannot be used

mgiControl* Controls Scene Hierarchy Nodes

Structure MgiControl MgiControl structure
Function mgiControlInit Initializes MgiControl
Function mgiControlBind Links MgiControl to a node
Function mgiControlGetULong Gets unsigned integer value from field of node
Function mgiControlGetSLong Gets signed integer value from field of node
Function mgiControlGetFloat Gets floating point value from field of node
Function mgiControlGetULongs Gets array of unsigned integer values from field of node and puts it into array
Function mgiControlGetSLongs Gets array of signed integer values from field of node and puts it into array
Function mgiControlGetFloats Gets array of floating point values from field of node and puts it into array
Function mgiControlSetULong Sets unsigned integer value to field of node
Function mgiControlSetSLong Sets signed integer value to field of node
Function mgiControlSetFloat Sets floating point value to field of node
Function mgiControlSetULongs Sets array of unsigned integer values to field of node
Function mgiControlSetSLongs Sets array of signed integer values to field of node
Function mgiControlSetFloats Sets array of floating point values to field of node
Macros _mgiControlUnbind Separates MgiControl from node

mgiJob* Job to be executed for each frame.

Structure MgiJob MgiJob Structure
Type MgiJobCallback
Function mgiJobInit Initializes job