mgkApp* Basic Functionality of the Application Program

Variable gMgkApp The application instance
Structure MgkApp MgkApp Structure
Function mgkAppInit Initializes the application
Function mgkAppInitGroups Initializes redering groups
Function mgkAppEvalAll Evaluates the hierarchy structure
Function mgkAppDraw Generates Gfx
Macro _mgkAppGetHierarchy Returns pointer to hierarchy of Scene
Macro _mgkAppGetScene Returns pointer to Scene
Macro _mgkAppGetScreen Returns pointer to Screen
Macro _mgkAppBeginFrame Declares beginning of a frame
Macro _mgkAppEndFrame Declares end of a frame
Macro _mgkAppGetFrameCount Returns frame count

mgkObj* Provides minimum functions needed to manage objects.

Structure MgkObj MgkObj structure
Function mgkObjInit Initializes an object
Function mgkObjLoad Loads an object
Function mgkObjUnload Destroys the object that has been loaded
Function mgkObjCreateCamera Generates camera object
Function mgkObjSetAnim Sets animation to an object
Function mgkObjPlayAnim Starts to play an animation
Function mgkObjMove Moves an object horizontally
Function mgkObjRotate Rotates an object
Function mgkObjLookAt Negative direction on z axis of an object should point to x_at, y_at, z_at
Function mgkObjScale Gives scale to an object