Function | misBufferAllocate | Allocates the number of bytes of memory specified by size to misBuffer |
Function | misBufferAttach | Gives the number of bytes of memory specified by size to misBuffer |
Function | misBufferDestroy | Destroys misBuffer |
Function | misBufferInit | Initializes misBuffer |
Macro | _misBufferGetCapacity | Returns the number of bytes which can be acquired from misBuffer |
Macro | _misBufferPutCapacity | Returns the number of bytes which can be written to from misBuffer |
Macro | _misBufferIsEmpty | Returns a value other than 0 [zero] if misBuffer is empty |
Macro | _misBufferIsFull | Returns a value other than 0 [zero] if misBuffer is full |
Macro | _misBufferGetCursor | Returns the position of the get cursor in misBuffer |
Macro | _misBufferPutCursor | Returns the position of the put cursor in misBuffer |
Macro | _misBufferGetPtr | Returns the pointer for the position of the get cursor in misBuffer |
Macro | _misBufferPutPtr | Returns the pointer for the position of the put cursor in misBuffer |
Macro | _misBufferPeek | Gets the byte at the position of the get cursor |
Macro | _misBufferMoveGetCursor | Advances the get cursor by count |
Macro | _misBufferMovePutCursor | Advances the put cursor by count |
Structure | MisInput | MisInput structure |
Function | misInputGetFloat | Reads 4 bytes from misInput and returns it as float |
Function | misInputGetSChar | Reads 1 byte from misInput and returns it as s8 |
Function | misInputGetSLong | Reads 4 bytes from misInput and returns it as s32 |
Function | misInputGetSShort | Reads 2 bytes from misInput and returns it as s16 |
Function | misInputGetUChar | Reads 1 byte from misInput and returns it as u8 |
Function | misInputGetULong | Reads 4 bytes from misInput and returns it as u32 |
Function | misInputGetUShort | Reads 2 bytes from misInput and returns it as u16 |
Function | misInputInit | Initializes misInput |
Function | misInputRead | Reads only the number of bytes specified by byte_count from misInput to buffer_ptr. |
Macro | _misInputClearStatus | Cancels the status flag for misInput |
Macro | _misInputClose | Closes misInput |
Macro | _misInputDestroy | Destroys misInput |
Macro | _misInputGet | Gets 1 byte from misInput and returns it |
Macro | _misInputGetErrorStatus | Returns an error status bit |
Macro | _misInputIsEof | Returns a value other than 0 [zero] when misInput has reached EOF (End Of File) |
Macro | _misInputIsFailure | Returns a value other than 0 [zero] when misInput will not function for reasons other than EOF |
Macro | _misInputIsOpened | Returns a value other than 0 [zero] if misInput is open |
Macro | _misInputSetStatus | Sets the status flag for misInput |
Function | misRomInputEpiInit | Initializes misRomInput |
Function | misRomInputEpiOpen | Opens misRomInputEpi |
Function | misRomInputPiInit | Initializes misRomInput |
Function | misRomInputPiOpen | Opens misRomInputPi |