
Macro group for bi-directional list

* _msoBilistBaseDefine( nodetype )
  The type of list for the nodetype is defined by the name nodetypeList.

* _msoBilistBaseBegin( list_ptr )
  Returns the head of the list

* _msoBilistBaseEnd( list_ptr )
  Returns the end of the list  (This does not mean that there is a value at the end.)

* _msoBilistBaseIsEmpty( list_ptr )
  Returns whether or not the list is empty

* _msoBilistBaseInit( list_ptr )
  Initializes a list

* _msoBilistBaseInsert( list_ptr, node_ptr, new_node_ptr )
  Adds new_node before node_ptr

* _msoBilistBaseRemove( list_ptr, node_ptr )
  Removes node_ptr

* _msoBilistBasePushFront( list_ptr, node_ptr )
  Adds a node at the head of the list

* _msoBilistBasePushBack( list_ptr, node_ptr )
  Adds a node to the end of the list

* _msoBilistBasePushListFront( list_ptr, push_list_ptr )
  Adds all nodes in the push_list to the head of the list

* _msoBilistBasePushListBack( list_ptr, push_list_ptr )
  Adds all nodes in the push_list to the end of the list

* _msoBilistBasePopFront( list_ptr )
  Deletes a node from the head of list

* _msoBilistBasePopBack( list_ptr )
  Deletes a node from the end of list

Usage Example
* When you wish to create a list of MxxObject's called MxxObjectList and to create 
   mxxObjectListPushFront( ), it is accomplished as follows.
  _msoBilistBaseDefine( MxxObject );
  #define _mxxObjectListPushFront(list_ptr,node_ptr) \

* Scanning MxxObject
  for ( node_ptr = mxxObjectListBegin( list_ptr );
        node_ptr != mxxObjectListEnd( list_ptr );
        node_ptr = node_ptr->next )