
Various definitions pertaining to vectors

#include <mvm/Util.h>

* rsqrtf(x)
  Returns the inverse of sqrtf(x)

* mrsqrtf(k,x)
  Returns the inverse of sqrtf(x) multiplied by k

* rsqrtf2(x)
  Returns the inverse of sqrtf(x).  However, returns 0.0f when x < EPSILON.

* mrsqrtf2(k,x)
  Returns the inverse of sqrtf(x) multiplied by k.  However, returns 0.0f when x < EPSILON.

* pow2(x)
  Returns the square of x

* int mvmGetAngle( const MvmVector3f v1, const MvmVector3f v2 )
  Returns the angle between v1 and v2  (Returns 32768 when the angle is 180 degrees)