Standard Function Index

Standard C Functions

memchr Searches the buf memory area for the character (byte) specified by C
memmove Copies the content of src to dest for the number of bytes specified by count
memcmp Compares the content of the buf1 buffer with the content of the buf2 buffer
memset Writes the single character (byte) specified by c over and over to the area specified by dst
memcpy (_nmemcpy) Copies the content of scr to dest by the amount of count
strchr (_nstrchr) Finds a character within a character string
strcpy Copies str2 on top of str1
strncat Appends characters from str2 onto the end of str1
strncpy Copies characters to the specified location
strrchr Finds the last occurrence of a character within a string
strcmp Compares two strings lexicographically
strcspn Computes and returns the length of the maximum initial segment of a string that consists entirely of characters not found in another string
strlen (_nstrlen) Returns the length of the specified character string
strncmp Compares at most n characters lexicographically from a string to at most n characters from another string
strpbrk Finds the first occurrence in string1 of any character currently in string2
strspn Computes the length of the maximum initial segment of string1 that completely holds string2
strcat Appends a copy of string2 onto the end of string1
strstr Locates the first occurrence of string2 in string1
strtok Breaks string1 into a sequence of tokens each of which is delimited by the character specified by string2
longjmp Restores the environment that was saved by the setjmp function
setjmp Saves its calling environment in the env buffer for the longjmp() function
labs Returns the absolute value of the original value
abs Returns the absolute value of a specified integer
srand Seeds the random number generator
rand Returns a pseudo-random number falling in the range from 0 to 0x7fff
atof Converts the specified character string to a double-precision numerical value
atoi Converts a character string to an integer
atol Converts a character string to a "long" numeric value
strtol Converts a specified character string to a "long" numeric value
strtod Converts the string specified to a double-precision numeric value
strtoul Converts a specified character string to an "unsigned long" numeric value
ldiv (_nldiv) Divides one "long" number by another "long" number
div Divides one integer by another integer
qsort/mt_qsort Sorts an array in ascending order
bsearch Using a binary search, finds an element that matches the key argument in an array sorted in ascending order

Math Library Functions

sin/_nsinf (sinf) Returns the sine of a radian angle
cos/_ncosf (cosf) Returns the cosine of the specified argument
tan/tanf Returns the tangent of a radian angle
asin/asinf Returns the arc sine of the specified argument
acos/acosf Returns the arc cosine of the specified argument
atan/atanf Returns the arc tangent of the specified argument
atan2/atan2f Returns the arc tangent of argument y divided by argument x
sinh/sinhf Returns the hyperbolic sine of a radian angle
cosh/coshf Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a radian angle
tanh/tanhf Returns the hyperbolic tangent of a radian angle
exp/expf Calculates an exponent to the x power
frexp/frexpf Finds m and n to fill the formula x=m*(2^n)
ldexp/ldexpf Calculates x*(2^exp)
modf/modff Separates the fractional part of x from the integral part of x
log/logf Calculates the natural logarithm of x
log10/log10f Calculates the common logarithm of x
pow/powf Calculates x to the y power
sqrt/_nsqrtf (sqrtf) Finds the square root of x
fabs/fabsf Returns the absolute value of x
floor/floorf Returns the maximum integer value that is less than x
ceil/ceilf Returns the minimum integer value that is greater than x
fmod/fmodf Calculates the remainder of x/y
hypot/hypotf Calculates the length of the hypotenuse for a right triangle

Memory Allocation Routines

InitHeap Reserves and initializes a memory allocation area
malloc/mt_malloc Reserves a memory block that is greater in size than the area that was reserved by InitHeap function
free/mt_free Frees the memory block that was reserved by the InitHeap function
realloc/mt_realloc Resizes memory block in an area reserved by the InitHeap function
calloc/mt_calloc Reserves memory block with a specified number of elements of a specified size bytes each in the area reserved by the InitHeap function
memalign Reserves memory block in area reserved by InitHeap function from area for which alignment was adjusted

For Debugging:

malloc_memcheck/mt_malloc_memcheck Checks the memory allocation area
malloc_memdsp/mt_malloc_memdsp Outputs the memory allocation area as a string

Character Classification Functions (M)=Macro

iscntrl (M) Checks to see if the specified character is a control character
isdigit (M) Checks to see if the specified character is a digit (0-9)
islower (M) Checks to see if the specified character is a lowercase letter
isupper (M) Checks to see if the specified character is a uppercase letter
isxdigit (M) Checks to see if the specified character is a hexadecimal digit
isalnum (M) Checks to see if the specified character is an alphanumeric character
isascii (M) Checks to see if the specified character is an ASCII code
isspace (M) Checks to see if the specified character is a white space character