Memory Allocation Routines

malloc_memdsp, mt_malloc_memdsp


#include <malloc.h>
int malloc_memdsp(unsigned char *s, int size)
int mt_malloc_memdsp(unsigned char *s, int size)


s         pointer to the character string 
size      size of the character string divided by 60

Return Value

The size used divided by 60 


Makes 60 digits into 1 line for the specified one-dimensional character string, and returns information on the memory allocation area as character information. Note that the character string must be a multiple of 60x2.

mt_malloc_memdsp is the multi-thread compatible version of malloc_memdsp. Interruption is inhibited when processing is being performed to prevent malfunction if used by more than one thread.

Example: Displaying character information

void dsp_memcheck(void)
   int i, j;

   i = malloc_memdsp(s, MEMCHECK_STRINGLEN);
   for (j=0; j<i;j++)  
Character information is displayed in two lines:

Line One


######## - the address to store head information
$$$$$$$$ - the head address of ensured or freed memory block
&&&&&&&& - the end address of ensured or freed memory block

Line Two - displays the head information of the memory block

"        (########)[$$$$$$$$] FREE"
"        (########)[$$$$$$$$] USE"
"        (########)[$$$$$$$$] ALIN"

######## - the size of memory block in bytes
$$$$$$$$ - the address of the following head information
FREE - Memory block is free and in the range of usage
USE  - Memory block is in use
ALIN - Memory block only with 0 as size of head to compensate alignment when using memalign function

If the content is invalid

"malloc_memdsp error:######## over area $$$$$$$$-&&&&&&&&"     
Address to the next header information is over the range that is ensured with InitHeap() function.

"malloc_memdsp error:check InitHeap()"
malloc_memdsp() function is called without InitHeap() function being executed or the head information 
in the first memory block is invalid.

Revision History

6/1/99 Added explanation of the multi-thread version