


void nuDebConWindowPos(u32 wndNo, u32 winX, u32 winY)


wndNo      window number 
           NU_DEB_CON_WINDOW0   Window 0 
           NU_DEB_CON_WINDOW1   Window 1 
           NU_DEB_CON_WINDOW2   Window 2 
           NU_DEB_CON_WINDOW3   Window 3 
winX       window display position (X coordinate) 
winY       window display position (Y coordinate)

Return Value



Sets the position where the console window is displayed

Sets the position where the console window is displayed. The position where the window is displayed is specified using the screen coordinates to define the window's upper-left corner. The initial setting for the upper-left coordinates are the screen coordinates (0,0).

The larger the window number, the higher the priority. The windows are stacked with the highest priority window displayed on top.

This function can also be used with the release-use library.

See Also

nuGfxInit, nuGfxTaskStart, nuGfxSetUcode, nuDebConDisp, nuDebConWindowSize, nuDebConWindowShow, nuDebConScroll, nuDebConTextColor, nuDebConTextAttr, and nuDebConClear