


void nuGfxSwapCfb(NUScTask* gfxTask)
gfxTask      pointer to the NUScTask structure
Return Value

Registers the frame buffer which is displayed at the next retrace

Registers the frame buffer which is displayed next. The gfxTask is the graphics task structure when the graphics task is executed by the nuGfxTaskStart function and includes the pointer for the frame buffer. Normally, it is not necessary to call this function since it is registered in the Graphics Manager by the nuGfxInit function and is executed from the Graphics Manager at the completion of the graphics task. The frame buffer which will be displayed at the next retrace can be set using this function when registering the original function with the nuGfxSwapCfbFuncSet function.

See Also

nuGfxInit and nuGfxSwapCfbFuncSet