Special Features - Special features of Snake Tail Hack
This sample was created in order to meet the following requests. Please play with it and re-create it.
I want to display 2D images as well.
Reference: DrawMovie() of map.c
: : /* 64dots X 64dots texture is divided into 4 and read. */ /* In other words, 4 32dots X 32dots-textures are read. */ /* Read texture data (upper left portion) */ gDPLoadTextureTile(glistp++, bmp, G_IM_FMT_RGBA, G_IM_SIZ_16b, 64, 64, 0, 0, 31, 31, 0, G_TX_WRAP | G_TX_NOMIRROR, G_TX_WRAP | G_TX_NOMIRROR, 0, 0, G_TX_NOLOD, G_TX_NOLOD); gSP2Triangles(glistp++,0,1,2,0,0,2,3,0); : :
I want to try 3D display.
Reference: DrawMapObj() of map.c
Model data that was output by a modeling tool using gSPDisplayList() is actually output. : the portion of gSPDisplayList(glistp++,kabe_mdl_model0);
I want to display a screen with sound.
Reference: mainproc() of gamemain.c
sequence : nuAuSeqPlayerSetNo(0,0); nuAuSeqPlayerPlay(0); :
Reference: updateGame() of gamemain.c
sound effect : nuAuSndPlayerPlay(EFF_PAUSE); nuAuSndPlayerSetPitch(44100.0/32000); :
I want to use 4 Controllers and 4 Controller Paks.
Reference: updateGame() of gamemain.c
: : /* Updating process for each pad */ the portion of for(padnum = 0; padnum < NU_CONT_MAXCONTROLLERS; padnum++){ : :
I want to proceed with a program while bringing a program or data from the ROM area.
Reference: ReadMovie() of gamemain.c
: /* Actually copy data from ROM to RDRAM. */ the portion of nuPiReadRom( (u32)(_moviedataSegmentRomStart + onecutlen * MovieNum), (void *)&MovieBuf[0], onecutlen ); : :