Primarily, the game title, character select, and game main call-back functions are set in this source file in the order of the program sequence.
om_game_main() | Main game processing call-back function |
om_system_reset() | Processing call-back function on game reset |
om_game_data_entry() | Game data (3D model maps, etc.) registration processing |
om_system_heap_memory_init | System heap memory maintenance and initialization processing |
Primarily, the game's main control functions are defined in this source file.
om_game_init() | Game data initialization processing function |
om_game_main_end() | Game main end processing function |
om_game_main_control() | Game main processing function |
om_game_cleartime_over_check() | Stage clear time over check function. |
om_game_clear_time_and_help_num_display() | Stage clear time and help count screen display processing function |
om_game_stage_clear() | Stage clear (goal time) processing function |
om_game_game_over_procedure_and_init() | Function for game's game-over processing and processing to initialize global variables, etc. used in the game |
The control functions for the main character registered in the game are defined in this source file.
om_mycharacter_main() | Main character control main processing function |
om_mycharacter_init() | Main character data structure initialization processing function |
om_myshadowst_init() | Main character's shadow data structure initialization processing function |
om_on_walk() | Function for animation processing when main character is walking |
om_off_walk() | Function for animation off processing when main character stops |
om_character_cornfrake_get() | Function for collision check between main character and corn flake on map and for taking corn flake |
om_character_shadow_move() | Main character's shadow movement processing function |
The processing functions on game over are defined in this source file.
om_game_over_begin() | Start game over processing function |
om_game_over_main() | Game over main processing function Performs animation processing for main character falling over |
The processing functions for when a game stage is cleared are defined in this source file.
om_goal_plate_init() | Function to initialize goal plate data near goal on map |
om_goal_goal_plate_main() | Goal plate rotation processing function |
The processing functions for loading sprite data displayed in the game title and character selection screens are defined in this source file.
om_dma_start() | Function to load data from ROM to any RDRAM segment |
om_select_chara_bg_data_read() | Function to load BG sprite data for character select screen |
om_opening_bg_data_read() | Function to load BG sprite data for opening screen |
The control functions for corn flakes registered in the game are defined in this source file.
om_cornfrake_main() | Corn flake control main function |
om_cornfrake_data_init() | Corn flake data structure initialization processing function |
om_cornfrake_animation() | Corn flake animation processing function |
om_cornfrake_display_check() | Corn flake display/don't display check function |
The functions which perform 3D object frame evaluation and the RSP and RDP initialization functions are defined in this source file.
om_setup_SP_DP() | RSP/RDP initialization processing function |
om_game_eval() | 3D model frame evaluation processing function |
om_game_draw3d() | 3D model drawing (DL building) processing function |
Functions to generate character instance data and to build character control data are defined in this source file.
om_chara_anim_entry() | Character animation data registration processing main function |
om_characterst_init() | Character data structure initialization processing |
om_animation_entry() | Character animation registration processing function |
om_characterst_header_init() | Character structure header initialization processing function |
om_character_entry() | Character data registration processing function |
om_global_resource_list_save() | Processing function to save character resource data to character data structure |
om_global_instance_list_save() | Processing function to save character instance data to character data structure |
om_resource_entry() | Character resource data registration processing function |
The functions to display the maze during the game and for collision checks are defined in this source file.
om_bg_stage_entry() | Game map drawing (DL building) processing function |
om_bg_stage_entry_delete() | Delete game map data processing function |
om_bg_character_wall_hit_check() | Main processing function for collision check between wall and character on map |
om_bg_zone_cordinate_get() | Processing function to get zone coordinates of character on map |
om_bg_xz_zone_wall_hit_check() | Function to perform collision check for zone located at XZ coordinates on map |
om_bg_hwall_up_hit_check() | Collision check function for wall located at top of grid |
om_bg_hwall_down_hit_check() | Collision check function for wall located at bottom of grid |
om_bg_vwall_left_hit_check() | Collision check function for wall located at left of grid |
om_bg_vwall_right_hit_check() | Collision check function for wall located at right of grid |
om_bg_map_area_culling() | Culling processing function for map divided in area units |
om_bg_map_zone_culling() | Culling processing function for map divided in zone units |
The audio control processing functions are defined in this source file, divided into the Mus library and the SGI sound library.
om_audio_music_start() | Audio initialization function (Mus) |
om_audio_se_start() | Sound effect playback function |
om_stage_cleartime_check_and_music_tempo_change() | Function to check the stage clear time and change the sequence playback tempo according to the time (Mus) |
om_audio_seq_palyer_play() | Sequence player playback function (Mus) |
om_audio_seq_bank_set() | Audio data registration function (Mus) |
om_audio_seq_player_seq_stop() | Stop sequence player function (Mus) |
om_audio_snd_player_snd_stop() | Stop sound player (sound effect) function (Mus) |
om_audio_snd_player_stop() | Function to stop all sound players currently playing back (Mus) |
om_audio_music_start() | Audio initialization function (SGI) |
om_audio_se_start() | Stop sound player (sound effect) function (SGI) |
om_stage_cleartime_check_and_music_tempo_change() | Function to check the stage clear time and change the sequence playback tempo according to the time (SGI) |
om_audio_seq_player_play() | Sequence player playback function (SGI) |
om_audio_seq_bank_set() | Audio data registration function (SGI) |
om_audio_seq_player_seq_stop() | Stop sequence player function (SGI) |
The game title control functions are defined in this source file.
om_title_main() | Title screen call-back function |
om_title_init() | Title screen frame buffer initialization function |
om_title_end() | Title screen end function |
om_title_title_init() | Feed in title screen and read title data processing function |
om_title_title() | Title screen main function |
om_title_display() | Draw title screen function |
om_title_display_PushStart() | Function to display "Push Start" message in title screen |
om_title_stream_PushStart() | Effect processing function 1 for "Push Start" message in title screen |
om_title_stream_PushStart2() | Effect processing function 2 for "Push Start" message in title screen |
om_title_stream_PushStart3() | Effect processing function 3 for "Push Start" message in title screen |
om_title_blink_PushStart() | Blink processing function for "Push Start" message in title screen |
m_title_display_background() | Function to build DL for background sprite drawing in title screen |
om_title_logo_init() | Logo screen initialization and logo data read processing function |
om_title_logo() | Logo screen main function |
om_title_logo_display() | Function to build DL for sprite drawing in logo screen |
om_title_display_texture() | Function to build DL for transparent texture |
The Select Character screen control functions are defined in this source file.
om_select_character_main() | Select Character screen call-back function |
om_Init() | Select Character screen initialization processing function |
om_SetCharacterDsp() | Display only character used in Select Character screen flag ON |
om_EvalPad() | Function for pad IO evaluation processing in Select Character screen |
om_AnimChara() | Function for character animation processing in Select Character screen |
om_AttachDeform() | Function for character deformation animation processing in Select Character screen |
om_CheckAButton() | Function for pad A button evaluation in Select Character screen |
om_TurnOffCharacter() | Processing function not to display characters other than selected character in Select Character screen |
om_SetKimeCharacter() | Function for decision pose animation processing for selected character in Select Character screen |
om_AnimationWait() | Function to set animation time for decision pose animation of selected character in Select Character screen |
om_AnimationEndWait() | Function to end decision pose animation processing for selected character in Select Character screen |
om_DrawBG() | Function to build DL for drawing background sprites displayed in Select Character screen |
The camera control functions are defined in this source file.
om_camera_init() | Set camera data function |
om_camera_entry() | Function for processing to secure heap area for setting camera data and to set camera data |
om_camera_entry_delete() | Release heap area in which camera data have been set |
om_camera_perspective_draw() | Function to build scene with perspective projection |
om_camera_game_camera_action() | Camera operation function in game main (Camera tracks when main character moves) |
om_camera_mode_check() | Evaluate whether camera mode is game mode or help mode |
om_camera_ortho_draw() | Function to build scene with orthogonal view |
om_camera_mode_on_game_view_mode() | Set camera mode to game main mode |
The functions which are commonly used in the sample game are defined in this source file.
om_com_character_cur_instance_change() | Function to set character's current instance pointer |
om_com_character_globalresource_change() | Change character resource data function |
om_com_charast_chain_search() | Function to get any OM_CHARACTER_DATA pointer |
om_com_circle_hit_check() | Calculate distance between character 1 and character 2 and evaluate whether character 1 is touching character 2 |
om_com_memcpy() | Memory copy function |
om_com_memset() | Memory set function |
om_expad_lookat_xydeg() | Get angle made by two points |
om_expad_lookat_xydegf() | Get angle made by two points at floating pointer |