Partner-N64PC Facts & Features
Partner-N64PC is a complete, feature-rich, windows-based game development and debugging environment for N64? game developers. The hardware attaches right to your PC. The software runs in Windows 95 or Windows NT and includes the exeGCC compiler customized for the N64.
- Use Partner-N64PC with any standard Pentium-class PC running Windows 95 or Windows NT.
- Experience high-capacity 32 MB ROM emulation and memory support.
- Develop games for the N64 Disk Drive.
- Set up to 15 software breakpoints at any one time.
- Set the hardware breakpoint at any address and read/write status in memory to suspend the game program when the CPU accesses that spot.
- Instruct your game program to break on illegal ROM area access.
- Enter debugging commands while the game program is running.
- Measure game program execution time in microseconds.
- Use source-level debugging to debug in Assembler, to debug games developed for the N64 Disk Drive, or to support all video formats. With a single key, you can specify a breakpoint or run a game program up to the current cursor position thus eliminating the need for burdensome symbolic debugging.
- Reference or change any variable in a format conforming to the data structure of that variable with a single key stroke.
- Use the macro language to define new commands by combining commands.
- View a saved history of commands that holds 1,500 characters. You can use this feature to recall a command that you?re using repeatedly so you don?t have to retype it.
- Use 12 windows to navigate, control, and debug your game program. You get two Code windows and a Command window plus a Register, Stack, Local, Memory, Watch, Backtrace, Break, Inspect, and Memo window.
- Customize the toolbar. For example, if you frequently load game programs to be debugged, run them, and inspect constants, create a macro to do the work. Then register that macro in a toolbar. Now you can simply click a button to run the macro.
- Customize display fonts, colors, and window layout. Up to three different window layouts can be stored.
- Stop game program execution by using breakpoints, by pressing the Esc key, or by clicking a button.
- Use the PROF (profile) command to calculate the time required to run each game program subroutine.
- Automatically open the Inspect window to view or modify constant data by simply double-clicking the constant in the Source window. Constant data can be similarly viewed or modified in the Watch and Local windows, and you can use the mouse to modify data in the Register and Memory windows.
- Run commands in the Code window by pressing any one of 21 shortcut key combinations. For example, press F6 to inspect the variable at the current cursor position or press F9 to set or clear the software breakpoint at the current cursor position.
- Run commands in the Command window by typing in the command or by pressing any one of 16 shortcut keys. For example, press Shift+F2 to see a dialog box that shows the command history entered up to this point.
- Run commands in the Memory window by pressing shortcut keys. For example, press 1 to see a decimal (base 10) display of the memory dump or H to see it in hexadecimal (base 16) format.
- Run commands in the Register window by pressing shortcut keys. For example, press F3 to initialize the register.
- Run commands in the Watch window by pressing shortcut keys. For example, press F3 to clear all registered variables.
- Run commands in the Break window by pressing shortcut keys. For example, press F3 to clear all breakpoints or F9 to toggle between enabling and disabling the currently selected breakpoint.
- Run commands in the Inspect window by pressing shortcut keys. For example, press W to register the selected variable in the Watch window.
Software on CD-ROM
- Partner-N64PC Debugger
- exeGCC (N64) custom C compiler
- Partner-N64PC Debugger Assembly
- Custom ISA Bus Dedicated Interface Board
- Modified N64 Control Deck (NTSC)
- 40-pin flat parallel interface cable
- N64 AC power supply
- N64 Controller
- Stereo Audio/Video cable
- Partner-N64PC User?s Guide
- Online N64 Function Reference Manual
- N64 Development System Installation Guide
- Standard Pentium-class PC
- Monitor with 800x600 graphics resolution
- Windows 95 or Windows NT
- CD-ROM drive
- Windows 95-compatible mouse
- 32 MB of memory
- 200 MB of free disk space
- 16-bit ISA bus expansion slot
- TV set for viewing the game