1.6 Playing and Stopping Audio

Songs and sound effects can be played once the preparations of the previous section have been made. When audio is played back, the maximum number of channels for use are automatically secured.

To playback a song, all you need to do is specify the address of that song. When a song is played, sample bank data is used in addition to the song's data.

Start a song
Function name: MusStartSong
Syntax: musHandle MusStartSong(void *addr)
Arguments: addr  The address of the song in RAM
Return value: The sound handle value

The returned sound handle value is used later to specify the song that is being played back.

To playback a sound effect, all you need to do is to specify which number sound effect in the sound effect bank to play. When a sound effect is played, sample bank data is used in addition to the sound effect bank's data.

Start a sound effect
Function name: MusStartEffect
Syntax: musHandle MusStartEffect(s32 number)
Arguments: number  The number of the sound effect to play
Return value: The sound handle value

Next we explain how to stop the playback of audio. For songs without loops and for sound effects, the channels will be released when the audio ends even if the audio has not been explicitly stopped.

There are two kinds of functions for stopping the audio. MusStop stops the songs or sound effects or both if such has been specified. In contrast, MusHandleStop stops the audio using the sound handle. With either function you can specify how many frames to go before stopping the audio. When a non-zero frame number is specified, the audio will fade out for the specified number of frames.

Stop channels
Function name: MusStop
Syntax: void MusStop(u64 flags, s32 speed)
Arguments: flag audio type (can be combined using "or")
MUSFLAG_EFFECTS All sound effects
speed The number of frames before stopping
Return value: None

Use sound handle to stop sound
Function name: MusHandleStop
Syntax: s32 MusHandleStop(musHandle handle, s32 speed)
Arguments: handle Sound handle
   speed The number of frames before stopping
Return value: The number of channels that are set to stop

(*) These two functions are the only functions in the MUS library that depend on number of frames. You must adjust them to either PAL or NTSC (MPAL).

There are also two functions that can be used to find out the number of channels currently being used.

Return the number of active channels
Function name: MusAsk
Syntax: s32 MusAsk(u64 flags)
Arguments: flag The type of audio (can be combined using "or")
xMUSFLAG_EFFECTS All sound effects
Return value: The number of channels currently being used

Return active channel with the sound handle
Function name: MusHandleAsk
Syntax: s32 MusHandleAsk(musHandle handle)
Arguments: handle Sound handle
Return value: The number of channels currently being used

There is also a function useful for debugging that returns how many sound effects are in the sound effect bank. The numbers for these usable sound effects are from 0 to (the value returned by this function - 1).

Return the number of sound effects in the sound effect bank
Function name: MusFxBankNumberOfEffects
Syntax: s32 MusFxBankNumberOfEffects(void *ifxbank)
Arguments: ifxbank  Address of the initialized sound effect bank
Return value: The number of sound effects