2.4 How to Use the MFS Library

A special library has been prepared for the management of MFS disks. The library makes it easier to write code for disk control in your programs, helping you realize more efficient and understandable disk management.

The MFS manages files using files and directories in the same way as UNIX and DOS. You can name the files and directories, and manage them using names and numbers.

2.4.1 The MFS File System

The MFS library locically treats the ROM area and the RAM area on the disk as different drives. The drive allocation for the ROM area and RAM area is shown below:

ROM area A drive
RAM area B drive

File names and directories can be specified with their full path, which means the drive name, path name, file name and extension. The drive name and path name are separated by a colon (" :" ), while the directory names are demarcated by a forward slash (" / ") and the file name and its extension are separated by a period (". ")

Example: A:/dir1/picture/mario1.rgb

Most of the time you will be accessing files that are all stored under the same directory, and it would be inconvenient to have to specify the drive name and path name every time. That is why the MFS library allows you to set the current drive and the current directory. When a drive name and path name are not specified, the current drive and current directory are assumed. Relative path names are supported, but you cannot trace backwards using two periods (" .. ").

2.4.2 Initializing the Library

The first thing you need to do is initialize the whole library. There are two initialization functions: mfsHInitDiskBoot to boot from the disk and mfsHInitCasBoot to boot from the Game Pak.

Function name: mfsHInitDiskBoot
Syntax: s32 mfsHInitDiskBoot(MfsFile handle,u8 handleNum,
      u8 *company,u8* game,u8 dest)
Arguments: handle Pointer for the file handle structure array
  handleNum The number of file handle structures
  company Company code
  game Game code
  dest Game code
Return Value: Error

Function name: mfsHInitCasBoot
Syntax: s32 mfsHInitCasBoot(MfsFile handle,u8 handleNum,
      u8 *company,u8* game,u8 dest)
Arguments: handle Pointer for the file handle structure array
  handleNum The number of file handle structures
  company Company code
  game Game code
  dest Destination code
Return value: Error

The handle argument specifies the pointer to the file handle buffer where the application will prepare the MfsFileHandle structure array when handling files. The MfsFileHandle structure pointer is declared as type MfsFile. The handleNum argument specifies the size of the array. The number of files that the application can open at the same time is determined by the number of file handles specified here. The company and game arguments specify the company code and game code (initial code) issued by Nintendo. The dest argument is the destination code, which is used as disk information when the RAM area is formatted. The following values can be specified for the argument:


Both of these functions initialize the low-level Leo library first. If the Leo library processes terminate normally, MFS_ERR_NO is returned. If a MFS_ERR_DEVICE error is returned, jump to the appropriate error handling sequence by referencing the global variable mfsError, where the value returned by the Leo*CreateLeoManager function is stored.

2.4.3 Opening Files

To access a file, first you need to open the file and get its file handle with the mfsHFopen function.

Function name: mfsHFopen
Syntax: s32 mfsHFopen(MfsFile* handle, u8* path, u16 mode)
Arguments: handle  Pointer storing the file handle pointer
  path File path name
  mode Open mode
Return value: Error

The file handle is the pointer to the structure that contains the information needed for file read/writes. The file specified by "path" is opened and the file handle is set in "handle". The mode argument specifies the method of file access. Specify either or bitwise OR them to specify both:

  MFS_OPEN_READ  0x0001  Open for reading
  MFS_OPEN_WRITE  0x0002  Open for writing

For MFS_OPEN_WRITE you can specify any of the following flags. To specify more than one flag, bitwise OR them into the mode argument.

  MFS_OPEN_UPDATE  0x0000  Open in overwrite mode
  MFS_OPEN_APPEND  0x0010  Open in append mode
  MFS_OPEN_CREATE  0x0020  Create a file if there is no file

2.4.4 File Read/Writes

Once a file is opened, you can use the obtained file handle to read/write that file. You read from the file using the mfsHFread function, and you write to the file using the mfsHFwrite function.

Function name: mfsHFread
Syntax: s32 mfsHFread(MfsFile handle, void* buf, s32 len)
Arguments: handle File handle
  buf Pointer to buffer where data is stored
  len Size to read
Return value: The read size (Error if it is a negative value)

Function name: mfsHFwrite
Syntax: s32 mfsHFwrite(MfsFile handle, void* buf, s32 len)
Arguments: handle  File handle
  buf Pointer to buffer where the data to be written is stored
  len Size to write
Return value: The written size (Error if it is a negative value)

2.4.5 Closing Files

After access to the file is finished and there is no need for the file handle anymore, you use the mfsHFclose function to release the file handle.

Function name: mfsHFclose
Syntax: s32 mfsHFclose(MfsFile handle)
Argument: handle File handle
Return value: Error

The MFS library also has functions for such things as browsing and finding files, deleting files and changing file names. All of the functions explained above are high-level library functions (mfsH*), but with MFS you can also perform lower-level operations, and a group of MFS functions that are not part of the high-level library have been prepared for that purpose.

2.4.6 Errors

A negative number returned as the return value by an MFS library function always indicates an error. Therefore, whenever a negative value is returned from an MFS function, please check the type of error and perform the appropriate error processing.