2.6 The Sample Programs

Next we will try running the sample programs that make use of the preceding functions. When you run the sample programs from \n64kit\sample\tutorial\device\64devpi, the main menu of PI Device Test is displayed on the screen.

Select a menu item with the Control Pad , and then press the Start button. Pressing the Start button again takes you back to the main menu from each submenu.

Below a summary of each submenu has been provided:

This is the ROM DMA transfer sample. When you press the Start button, "Idle" is displayed on the screen. Pressing the A button or the B button at this point plays a different PCM waveform.

This is the SRAM read/write sample. Before selecting this menu item make sure to set your development tool so SRAM can be used. Select using on the Control Pad, change the value using on the Control Pad, and execute Save/Load with the A button. Try saving a value for H.P. and M.P. Then change the value, load, and check whether the previously saved value is displayed. The value can be changed using RIGHT/LEFT C Button.

Next let's try running the sample for read/writes to the NUD development system disk. First, set your development tool so you can use the NUD development system, then insert a writable disk in the slot. When you load the sample, the sample file is written to the disk.

When you run the sample program from \n64kit\sample\tutorial\device\64devpi\dd, the main menu of PI Device Test (DD) is displayed on the monitor. Select an image file name off the menu with on the Control Pad, and then press the A button to display the image file. You can toggle between show/hide the menu with the Start button.

The N64 OS has a variety of other functions in addition to the ones explained in this tutorial. Once you have understood this tutorial's overview of the SI and PI devices, try out some of the more detailed capabilities of the system using the Function Reference.