2.1 Tool Check and Setup

The following items are needed for 64DD development.

64DD Development System

One package comprises the development 64DD (drive with blue disk slot), five development disks (blue disks), Jumper Pak ejector, IPLROM Pak, DCC board, and five sets of development index labels. For details, pelase see "Chapter 5, The Development Process".


Please use the latest version.


This is a debugger made by Kyoto Micro Computer. Throughout this guide, these are abbreviated as NW and PC or denoted as Partner where no distinction is necessary.

This section describes the hardware setup procedure. For information on software installation, please refer to the appropriate software documentation. The description given here assumes that Partner setup already has been completed. Those using Partner for the first time should first configure it according to the instructions in the Partner manual.

  1. Turn off power to Partner. For details, see the Partner manual.

  2. Remove the cover of the 36-pin memory expansion connector on the top of the N64, and remove the red seal from the Jumper Pak.

  3. Insert the Jumper Pak ejector into the back of the Jumper Pak and carefully press the Jumper Pak ejector downward and angled toward the back of the unit to remove the Jumper Pak.

  4. Insert the Memory Expansion Pak, ensuring that it is in the proper orientation.

  5. Reattach the cover of the 36-pin memory expansion connector.

  6. Remove the cover of the 50-pin expansion connector on the bottom of the N64 and connect the N64 to the 64DD.

  7. Apply gentle pressure to the two set screws on the bottom of the 64DD and turn them in the "LOCK" direction to firmly connect the 64DD to the N64.

  8. Turn on power to Partner. For details, see the Partner manual.