N64 CITextureEditor TMF Format


  1. TMF

      This is the file that holds the texture image. There are 4bit index files as well as 8bit index files. Each is a binary file with the following configuration:

      Header area
      u32 tex_img_tag
      u32 tex_img_width
      u32 tex_img_height
      u32 tex_pixel_depth
      (48byte reserved area)
      Image area u32 pixel_index_array(0)
      u32 pixel_index_array(1)

  2. Explanation

    • [u32 tex_img_tag]

        For convenience, this ID is used to identify whether the file is a TMF file.

        For 4bitCI TAG_TEX_IMG_4_CI = 0x00120200
        For 8bitCI TAG_TEX_IMG_8_CI = 0x00120300

    • [u32 tex_img_width]

        Describes the number of pixels in a horizontal line of the texture image.

    • [u32 tex_img_height]

        Describes the number of vertical lines in the texture image.

    • [u32 tex_pixel_depth]

        Describes the number of bits used per pixel.

        For 4bitCI TEX_PIXEL_DEPTH_4_CI = 0x00000004
        For 8bitCI TEX_PIXEL_DEPTH_8_CI = 0x00000008

    • [u32 pixel_index_array]

        The area describing which color in the palette to use for each pixel.

        The pixel data is basically described in order from the bottom-left of the image data.

        For a 4bitCI, 8 pixels at a time are stored in pixel_index_array in order from the bottom-left of the image data. u32, like NIFF, stores data using the big endian method.

        For an 8bitCI, 4 pixels at a time are stored in pixel_index_array in order from the bottom-left of the image data.

        In either case, if the last data does not fill 32bits, the remainder is filled with 0x0.


Copyright (C) 1998-1999 NINTENDO Co.,Ltd.
Copyright (C) 1998-1999 NINTENDO OF AMERICA, Inc.
Copyright (C) 1998-1999 MONEGI CORPORATION.
Copyright (C) 1998-1999 INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS Co.,Ltd.
All rights reserved.