Gets the VI status
#include <ultra64.h> /* os.h */ u32 osViGetStatus(void);
Contents of VI status register
VI_CTRL_TYPE_16 | 16-bit pixel size |
VI_CTRL_TYPE_32 | 32-bit pixel size |
VI_CTRL_GAMMA_DITHTER_ON | Gamma dither mode enabled |
VI_CTRL_GAMMA_ON | Gamma correction enabled |
VI_CTRL_DIVOT_ON | Divot mode enabled |
VI_CTRL_SERRATE_ON | Serrate mode enabled |
VI_CTRL_DITHER_FILTER_ON | Dither filter mode enabled |
This function returns the contents of the VI status register. The VI status can be obtained by masking (AND) the contents of the register with the above the bit patterns. However, determine the pixel size by comparing the return value with either VI_CTRL_TYPE_32 or VI_CTRL_TYPE_16 after getting the AND with VI_CTRL_TYPE_32. The bit pattern is defined in <rcp.h>.
osViSetMode, osViSetSpecialFeatures
02/01/99 Completely revised.