This section covers the procedure for installing and uninstalling NIFF Editor and the NIFF conversion and preview tools.
NIFF Editor is distributed as part of the Nintendo64 Developers Kit and is automatically installed when you install the kit. The NIFF Editor and its conversion and preview tools are installed in the following directories when the Nintendo64 Developers Kit is installed in its default directory.
c:\nintendo\n64kit\niff\ | |
bin\niffedit\ | NIFF Editor and Help |
n64prev\niffconv.bat | Converter executable |
n64prev\niffprev.bat | Preview executable |
n64prev\quickprev\quickprev.bat | Quick Preview executable |
nvfview\nvfconv.bat | Converter 2 executable |
nvfview\nvfprev.bat | Preview 2 executable |
To install only NIFF Editor for upgrade, etc., please see Installand Uninstall.
To install NIFF Editor, execute the setup program (SETUP.EXE) using the following procedure.
After successfully installing the software, refer to "Starting and Exiting" to run the program.
To remove NIFF Editor, follow the sequence described below using [Add/Remove] from the [Control Panel].
At the prompt, click [Yes] to remove the program.
To upgrade NIFF Editor to a newer version, follow the uninstall procedures as described above to delete the existing version of NIFF Editor. Follow the install procedures to install the new version.
Note: To upgrade to a new version of NIFF Editor you must first delete the existing version using [Add/Remove] in Control Panel.
When you choose [Convert] from the [Tools] menu, NIFF Editor outputs a NIFF file and executes a batch file that only converts (NIFFCONV.BAT). When you choose [Preview] from the [Tools] menu, NIFF Editor outputs a NIFF file and executes a batch file that converts and then executes make (NIFFPREV.BAT).
N64GCC_PATH = c:\ultra\gcc\mipse
N64GCC_BIN = $(N64GCC_PATH)\bin
N64GCC_INC = c:\ultra\usr\include
CC = $(N64GCC_BIN)\gcc
AS = $(N64GCC_BIN)\as
LD = $(N64GCC_BIN)\ld
echo off
set root=c:\ultra
set gccdir=%ROOT%\gcc
path %gccdir%\mipse\bin;%root%\sbin;%path%
set gccsw=-mips3 -mgp32 -mfp32 -D_LANGUAGE_C -D_ULTRA64 -D__EXTENSIONS__
set n64align=on
niff2gfx -header model.h niffconv.nif model.c
if errorlevel 1 goto error
goto done
echo on
The 7th line calls NIFF2GFX.EXE and converts the NIFF file into a display list. NIFF Editor outputs the currently read NIFF file to a temporary file called NIFFCONV.NIF. Therefore, do not change the name of the NIFF file that is sent to NIFF2GFX.EXE. The other output filenames and the options can be freely changed. For details about NIFF2GFX.EXE please see the NIFF2GFX User's Manual.
echo off
set root=c:\ultra
set gccdir=%ROOT%\gcc
path %gccdir%\mipse\bin;%root%\sbin;%path%
set gccsw=-mips3 -mgp32 -mfp32 -D_LANGUAGE_C -D_ULTRA64 -D__EXTENSIONS__
set n64align=on
niff2gfx -header model.h niffprev.nif model.c
if errorlevel 1 goto error
make -f
if errorlevel 1 goto error
"C:\Program Files\Intelligent Systems\IS-VIEWER64\PROGRAM\nload" -n -v -s0x200000 "quickprev\clean.bin"
if errorlevel 1 goto error
"C:\Program Files\Intelligent Systems\IS-VIEWER64\PROGRAM\nload" -n -v nuprev.n64
if errorlevel 1 goto error
goto done
echo on
The first six lines set the environment for exeGCC. If these same settings are already included in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file, delete the six lines here, or comment them out with a REM statement.
The 7th line calls NIFF2GFX.EXE and converts the NIFF file into a display list. NIFF Editor outputs the currently read NIFF file to a temporary file called NIFFCONV.NIF. Therefore, do not change the name of the NIFF file sent to NIFF2GFX.EXE. The other output filenames and the options can be freely changed. For details about NIFF2GFX.EXE please see the NIFF2GFX User's Manual.
Line 9 executes make, and lines 11 and 13 send the files to IS-Viewer64. There will normally be no need to change these lines.
Quick Preview is run by executing the QUICKPREV.BAT file included in the N64 Previewer. Please set up this file following the steps shown below so that it will execute correctly.
echo off
"C:\Program Files\Intelligent Systems\IS-VIEWER64\PROGRAM\nload" -n -v quickprev.n64
if errorlevel 1 goto error
..\niff2gfx -b quickprev.nif model.bin
if errorlevel 1 goto error
"C:\Program Files\Intelligent Systems\IS-VIEWER64\PROGRAM\nload" -n -v -s0x200000 model.bin
if errorlevel 1 goto error
goto done
echo on
To perform conversion and previewing using the niff2nvf convertor and nvfview previewer included with the Nintendo64 Developers Kit. NIFF Editor performs conversion and previewing by executing nvfconv.bat and nvfprev.bat. To use Convert2 and Preview2, use the following setup procedures.
echo off
niff2nvf nvfconv.nif model.nvf
if errorlevel 1 goto error
goto done
echo on
echo off
niff2nvf nvfprev.nif model.nvf
if errorlevel 1 goto error
nvf2bin scene.nvf model.nvf nvfview.bin
if errorlevel 1 goto error
"C:\Program Files\Intelligent Systems\IS-VIEWER64\PROGRAM\nload" -n -e nvfview.N64
if errorlevel 1 goto error
"C:\Program Files\Intelligent Systems\IS-VIEWER64\PROGRAM\nload" -n -s 0x200000 nvfview.bin
if errorlevel 1 goto error
goto done
echo on