Macro | _mhcExternalNodeInit | Initializes externally referenced node |
Structure | MhcInstance | MhcInstance structure |
Function | mhcInstanceInit | Initializes MhcInstance |
Macro | _mhcInstanceCopyContext | Copies hierarchy context of MhcInstance |
Macro | _mhcInstanceEvaluate | Evaluates MhcInstance |
Macro | _mhcInstanceIsReady | Checks whether MhcInstance can be evaluated |
Structure | MhcModule | MhcModule structure |
Function | mhcModuleActivate | Activates MhcModule |
Function | mhcModuleBeginEval | Initializes for evaluating MhcModule |
Function | mhcModuleBind | Binds Module with scene |
Function | mhcModuleDestroy | Destroys MhcModule |
Function | mhcModuleGetExternalNode | Resolves external reference node |
Function | mhcModuleGetNodeByName | Searches for a node specified by its name |
Function | mhcModuleGetNodeByType | Returns the number of specified node searched by type |
Function | mhcModuleInactivate | Inactivates MhcModule |
Function | mhcModuleInit | Initializes MhcModule |
Function | mhcModuleLoad | Imports Module |
Function | mhcModuleUnload | Deletes the contents of module that has been imported |
Macro | _mhcModuleIsActive | Checks if Module is active |
Macro | _mhcModuleGetNodeByIndex | Searches for a node specified by Index |
Macro | _mhcModuleAddNode | Adds a node to Module |
Variable | gMhcModuleChunkParserList | The array of the parser for the NVF chunk ('NHDR', 'REFR', 'MDUL', 'XTRN') Module handles |
Structure | MhcModuleNode | MhcModuleNode Structure |
Function | mhcModuleNodeInit |
Structure | MhcNode | MhcNode structure |
Function | mhcNodeInit | Initializes node |
Function | mhcNodeBeginEval | Prepares for node evaluation |
Function | mhcNodeIsReadyToEvaluate | Checks whether node can be evaluated |
Function | mhcNodeComplete | Completes evaluation of node |
Function | mhcNodeAddInput | Add input of node |
Function | mhcNodeRemoveInput | Cancel input of node |
Function | mhcNodeAddOutput | Add output of node |
Function | mhcNodeRemoveOutput | Cancel output of node |
Function | mhcNodeSetInputMask | Sets bit mask indicating that input has been resolved |
Macro | _mhcNodeActivate | Makes it possible to evaluate node |
Macro | _mhcNodeInactivate | Makes it so that node cannot be evaluated |
Macro | _mhcNodeIsActive | Checks whether node can be evaluated |
Macro | _mhcNodeSetName | Sets name |
Macro | _mhcNodeEvaluate | Evaluates node |
Macro | _mhcNodeGetFieldPtr | Returns pointer to field |
Macro | _mhcNodeBind | Links node to scene |
Macro | _mhcNodeDestroy | Destroys node |
Structure | MhcNodeHandle | MhcNodeHandle structure |
Function | mhcNodeHandleBind | Sets a value in pointer based on index |
Macro | _mhcNodeHandleInit | Initializes NodeHandle |
Macro | _mhcNodeHandleIsExternal | Checks whether node indicated by NodeHandle is an external node |
Macro | _mhcNodeHandleSetIndex | Specifies index for NodeHandle |
Structure | MhcReference | MhcReference structure |
Function | mhcReferenceBind | Links Reference to a scene |
Function | mhcReferenceInit | Initializes Reference |
Macro | _mhcReferenceActivate | Makes reference possible |
Macro | _mhcReferenceBeginEval | Makes preparations for reference |
Macro | _mhcReferenceInactivate | Makes reference impossible |
Macro | _mhcReferenceIsActive | Checks whether reference is possible |
Macro | _mhcReferenceResolve | Resolves reference |
Macro | _mhcReferenceIsResolved | Checks whether reference has been resolved |
Structure | MhcScene | MhcScene structure |
Function | mhcSceneInit | Initializes Scene |
Function | mhcSceneDestroy | Destroys Scene |
Function | mhcSceneGetNode | Returns pointer to Node |
Function | mhcSceneEvaluate | Evaluates Scene and generates rendering object |
Function | mhcSceneEvaluateFlat | Evaluates Scene and generates rendering object |
Function | mhcSceneCreateInstance | Generates an instance |
Function | mhcScenePutInstance | Evaluates an instance and adds it to the list |
Function | mhcSceneBind | Binds all Scene with module |
Function | mhcSceneAllocTransformBuffer | Allocates dynamic buffer needed for coordinate conversion |
Macro | _mhcSceneAllocMatrix33f | Allocates MvbMatrix33f to the buffer for coordinate conversion |
Macro | _mhcSceneAllocVector3f | Allocates MvmVector3f to the buffer for coordinate conversion |
Macro | _mhcSceneGetModule | Returns pointer to Module |
Structure | MhcTransform | MhcTransform structure |
Function | mhcTransformGenerateMatrix | Generates a 4x4 matrix from transform |
Function | mhcTransformGenerateMtx | Generates a Mtx from transform |
Function | mhcTransformGenerateOrientation | Generates a 3x3 matrix from transform which indicates only rotation |
Macro | _mhcTransformCopy | Copies transform |