


s32 nuContPakFileFwrite(NUContPakFile *file, s32 offset, s32 size, u8* buf)


*file      Controller Pak structure
offset     offset position
size       size of write
*buf       buffer where data to be written is stored

Return Value



Writes game data to the Controller Pak game note

The "size" bytes of data in "buf" are written to the game note specified by "file" starting from the "offset" position. Neither offset nor size needs to be a multiple of 32. When these values are not multiples of 32, the function makes the adjustment internally for the write process.


PFS_ERR_NOPACK Nothing is inserted in the specified Controller.
PFS_ERR_NEW_PACK The Controller Pak may have been changed. Please perform the Open process again.
PFS_ERR_INCONSISTENT There is an inconsistency in the file system management area.
PFS_ERR_CONTRFAIL Data transfer with Controller has failed.
PFS_ERR_INVALID Invalid parameter or the game note does not exist.

See Also

nuContPakFileFread, nuContPakFileReadWrite, nuContPakFileRead, and nuContPakFileWrite