Controller Related
Deleted functions are listed here
Functions (M)=Macro
nuSiMgrInit | Initializes and starts SI Manager |
nuSiCallBackAdd | Registers device managers |
nuSiCallBackRemove | Removes device managers |
nuSiMgrStop | Stops SI Manager thread |
nuSiMgrRestart | Restarts SI Manager thread |
nuSiSendMesg | Sends message to SI Manager (synchronous) |
nuSiSendMesgNW | Sends message to SI Manager (asynchronous) |
nuContInit | Initializes Controller and Controller Pak |
nuContMgrInit | Initializes and starts Controller Manager |
nuContMgrRemove | Removes Controller Manager |
nuContDataLock | Locks Controller data |
nuContDataUnLock | Unlocks Controller data |
nuContDataRead | Reads Controller data |
nuContQueryRead | Gets Controller status |
nuContDataGet | Gets the Controller data |
nuContDataGetAll | Gets data for 4 Controllers |
nuContDataReadStart | Starts reading Controller data |
nuContDataReadWait | Wait for data read to end |
nuContDataGetEx | Gets Controller data |
nuContDataGetExAll | Gets Controller data |
nuContReadFuncSet | Registers function to be executed at completion of Controller read |
nuContReadFuncRemove (M) | Removes callback function to be executed at completion of Controller read |
Controller Pak Related
nuContPakMgrInit | Registers Controller Pak Manager |
nuContPakMgrRemove | Removes Controller Pak Manager |
nuContPakOpen | Opens Controller Pak device |
nuContPakFileFread | Reads game data from Controller Pak game note |
nuContPakFileFwrite | Writes game data to Controller Pak game note |
nuContPakFileOpen | Opens Controller Pak game note |
nuContPakFileOpenJis | Opens Controller Pak game note |
nuContPakFileReadWrite | Read/write game data from/to Controller Pak game note |
nuContPakFileRead (M) | Reads Controller Pak data |
nuContPakFileWrite (M) | Writes data to Controller Pak |
nuContPakCodeSet | Sets company code and game code |
nuContPakRepairId | Repairs Controller Pak file system |
nuContPakJisToN64 | Replaces JIS code with N64 font code |
nuContPakN64ToJis | Replaces N64 font code with JIS code |
nuContPakGetFree | Gets available Controller Pak space |
nuContPakFileDelete | Deletes Controller Pak game note |
nuContPakFileDeleteJis | Deletes Controller Pak game note |
nuContPakFileState | Gets Controller Pak game note information |
nuContPakFileNum | Gets maximum number of Controller Pak game notes and number of notes used |
nuContPakFileFind (M) | Finds game note |
nuContPakFileFindJis (M) | Finds game note |
Rumble Pak Related
nuContRmbMgrInit | Initializes Rumble Pak Manager |
nuContRmbMgrRemove | Removes Rumble Pak Manager |
nuContRmbCheck | Checks Rumble Pak |
nuContRmbStart | Starts vibration in Rumble Pak |
nuContRmbStop | Stops vibration in Rumble Pak |
nuContRmbModeSet | Sets Rumble Pak operation mode |
nuContRmbForceStop | Forces Rumble Pak to stop |
nuContRmbForceStopEnd | Cancels forced stop of Rumble Pak |
nuContRmbSearchTimeSet | Sets time for checking Rumble Pak |
GB Pak Related
nuContGBPakMgrInit | Initializes GB Pak Manager |
nuContGBPakMgrRemove | Remove GB Pak Manager |
nuContGBPakOpen | Opens GB Pak |
nuContGBPakGetStatus | Gets GB Pak status |
nuContGBPakReadID | Checks registered area of ROM in GB Game Pak |
nuContGBPakFread | Reads high-performance GB Game Pak data |
nuContGBPakFwrite | Writes high-performance GB Game Pak data |
nuContGBPakReadWrite | Read/write data from/to GB Game Pak |
nuContGBPakPower | Controls power to the GB Game Pak |
nuContGBPakCheckConnector | Detects poor connection in GB Game Pak connector |
nuContGBPakRegWrite | Writes to Memory Controller register |
Voice Recognition Manager
nuVrsMgrInit | Initializes Voice Recognition Manager |
nuVrsOpen | Initializes Voice Recognition System |
nuVrsClearDictionary | Initializes Voice Recognition System word dictionary |
nuVrsSetWord | Stores word in dictionary |
nuVrsMaskDictionary | Selects recognition targets from words stored in dictionary |
nuVrsStartReadData | Starts voice recognition |
nuVrsGetReadData | Gets recognition results |
nuVrsStopReadData | Forced stop of recognition processing |
nuVrsControlGain | Adjusts input gain |
nuVrsCheckWord (M) | Checks words which can be stored |
nuVrsCountSyllables(M) | Counts syllables of word |
Global Variables
nuContStatus | Structure indicating Controller status |
nuContData | Controller data obtained by Controller Manager |
nuContNum | Number of Controllers connected |
nuContRmbCtl | Rumble Pak control structure |
nuContRmbSearchTime | Rumble Pak auto-recognition time interval |
nuContPakFileReSize | Changed size of Controller Pak game notes |
nuContPakFileReSizeJis | Changed size of Controller Pak game notes |
nuContPakFuncSet | Registered callback function for Controller Pak manager |
nuContPakFuncRemove | Removed callback function for Controller Pak manager |
nuContRmbFuncSet | Registered callback function for Rumble Pak manager |
nuContRmbFuncRemove | Removed callback function for Rumble Pak manager |