MusInitialize | Initialize the music player and audio manager. |
MusSetMasterVolume | Set the master volume levels. |
MusSetFxType | Set the audio library FX type. |
MusSetSongFxChange | Set the audio library FX song change flag. |
MusSetScheduler | Configure the library to use an external scheduler. |
MusStartSong | Start a song. |
MusStartSongFromMarker | Start a song from the specified marker. |
MusStartEffect | Start a sound effect. |
MusStartEffect2 | Start a sound effect, with parameters. |
MusAsk | Determine the number of active channels |
MusStop | Stop channels |
MusSetMarkerCallback | Set the marker callback function. |
MusHandleAsk | Determine the number of active channels using a sound handle. |
MusHandleStop | Stop channels using a sound handle. |
MusHandleSetVolume | Set the volume scale value using a sound handle. |
MusHandleSetPan | Set the pan scale value using a sound handle. |
MusHandleSetFreqOffset | Set the frequency offset value using a sound handle. |
MusHandleSetReverb | Set the reverb offset value using a sound handle. |
MusHandleSetTempo | Set the tempo scale value using a sound handle. |
MusHandlePause | Pause channels using a sound handle. |
MusHandleUnPause | Resume channels using a sound handle. |
MusHandleGetPtrBank | Get sample bank address. |
MusHandleWaveAddress | Get the wave lookup table address. |
MusHandleWaveCount | Get the wave lookup table count. |
MusPtrBankInitialize | Initialize a sample bank. |
MusPtrBankGetCurrent | Get the default sample bank. |
MusPtrBankSetCurrent | Set the default sample bank. |
MusPtrBankSetSingle | Set sample bank single use override. |
MusFxBankInitialize | Initialize a sound effect bank. |
MusFxBankNumberOfEffects | Get the number of sound effects in a sound effect bank. |
MusFxBankGetPtrBank | Get sound effect bank sample bank override. |
MusFxBankSetPtrBank | Set sound effect bank sample bank override. |
MusFxBankGetCurrent | Get default sound effect bank. |
MusFxBankSetCurrent | Set default sound effect bank. |
MusFxBankSetSingle | Set sound effect bank single use override. |