Mus Library Reference


MusInitialize Initialize the music player and audio manager.
MusSetMasterVolume Set the master volume levels.
MusSetFxType Set the audio library FX type.
MusSetSongFxChange Set the audio library FX song change flag.
MusSetScheduler Configure the library to use an external scheduler.

Starting Songs and Effects

MusStartSong Start a song.
MusStartSongFromMarker Start a song from the specified marker.
MusStartEffect Start a sound effect.
MusStartEffect2 Start a sound effect, with parameters.


MusAsk Determine the number of active channels
MusStop Stop channels
MusSetMarkerCallback Set the marker callback function.

Sound Handle

MusHandleAsk Determine the number of active channels using a sound handle.
MusHandleStop Stop channels using a sound handle.
MusHandleSetVolume Set the volume scale value using a sound handle.
MusHandleSetPan Set the pan scale value using a sound handle.
MusHandleSetFreqOffset Set the frequency offset value using a sound handle.
MusHandleSetReverb Set the reverb offset value using a sound handle.
MusHandleSetTempo Set the tempo scale value using a sound handle.
MusHandlePause Pause channels using a sound handle.
MusHandleUnPause Resume channels using a sound handle.
MusHandleGetPtrBank Get sample bank address.
MusHandleWaveAddress Get the wave lookup table address.
MusHandleWaveCount Get the wave lookup table count.

Sample Bank

MusPtrBankInitialize Initialize a sample bank.
MusPtrBankGetCurrent Get the default sample bank.
MusPtrBankSetCurrent Set the default sample bank.
MusPtrBankSetSingle Set sample bank single use override.

Sound Effect Bank

MusFxBankInitialize Initialize a sound effect bank.
MusFxBankNumberOfEffects Get the number of sound effects in a sound effect bank.
MusFxBankGetPtrBank Get sound effect bank sample bank override.
MusFxBankSetPtrBank Set sound effect bank sample bank override.
MusFxBankGetCurrent Get default sound effect bank.
MusFxBankSetCurrent Set default sound effect bank.
MusFxBankSetSingle Set sound effect bank single use override.