spScissor (function)

Specifies the bounding region in which sprites are to be drawn.


#include <sp.h> /* sp.h */
void spScissor( u32 xmin, u32 xmax, u32 ymin, u32 ymax)


The horizontal position of the left edge of the scissoring window.

The horizontal position of the right edge of the scissoring window.

The vertical position of the top edge of the scissoring window.

The vertical position of the buttom edge of the scissoring window.


spScissor specifies the bounding region in which sprites are to be drawn. By default, the region starts out with xmin=0, xmax=319, ymin=0, ymax=239.

Tiles of a sprite entirely outside of this region are not drawn.

Tiles partially outside this region are properly clipped so that only the part inside the region is drawn.

Do not set this region to an area larger than the current frame buffer. If you do, the hardware may stop responding (hang).

See Also

spDraw, spScale, spScissor, gDPSetColorImage, gDPSetDepthImage

Revision History

1999/04/30 Changed Format