Audio (SGI Tools) Related

Only compact MIDI files can be used for alsgi and alsgi_n.

Functions (M)=Macro

Initialize audio manager
Initialize audio manager
nuAuPreNMIFuncSet Register PRE NMI processing call back functions
nuAuPreNMIFuncRemove(M) Remove PRE NMI processing call back functions
nuAuHeapInit Initialize audio heap memory
nuAuHeapAlloc Reserve specified area from audio heap memory
nuAuHeapGetFree Get size of free space in audio heap memory
nuAuHeapGetUsed Get size of used space in audio heap memory


nuAuSeqPlayerInit Initialize sequence player
nuAuSeqPlayerBankSet Register bank in sequence player
nuAuSeqPlayerSeqSet Set ROM address of MIDI sequence bank data in sequence player
nuAuSeqPlayerPlay Play back sequence on sequence player
nuAuSeqPlayerSetNo Set sequence number in sequence player
nuAuSeqPlayerFadeOut Fade out sequence playback on sequence player
nuAuSeqPlayerGetState(M) Get sequence player's playback state
nuAuSeqPlayerStop(M) Stop sequence player
nuAuSeqPlayerGetSeqno(M) Get sequence number set in sequence player
nuAuSeqPlayerGetTempo(M) Return tempo of sequence player
nuAuSeqPlayerSetTempo(M) Set tempo of sequence in sequence player
nuAuSeqPlayerGetVol(M) Return volume of sequence player
nuAuSeqPlayerSetVol(M) Set overall volume of sequences in sequence player
nuAuSeqPlayerGetChlPan(M) Get pan position of specified MIDI channel of sequence player
nuAuSeqPlayerSetChlPan(M) Set pan position of specified MIDI channel of sequence player
nuAuSeqPlayerGetChlVol(M) Get volume for specified MIDI channel of sequence player
nuAuSeqPlayerSetChlVol(M) Set volume for specified MIDI channel of sequence player
nuAuSeqPlayerGetChlProgram(M) Get program number of specified MIDI channel of sequence player
nuAuSeqPlayerSetChlProgram(M) Assign program number to specified MIDI channel of sequence player
nuAuSeqPlayerGetChlFXMix(M) Get effect mix value for specified MIDI channel of sequence player
nuAuSeqPlayerSetChlFXMix(M) Set effect mix value of sequence player
nuAuSeqPlayerGetChlPriority(M) Get priority order for specified MIDI channel of sequence player
nuAuSeqPlayerSetChlPriority(M) Set priority order for specified MIDI channel of sequence player
nuAuSeqPlayerSendMidi(M) Send MIDI message to sequence player


nuAuSndPlayerInit Initialize sound player
nuAuSndPlayerBankSet Register bank in sound player
nuAuSndPlayerPlay Play back sound specified by sound number
nuAuSndPlayerSetSound(M) Specify target sound object in sound player
nuAuSndPlayerStop(M) Stop playback by sound player
nuAuSndPlayerGetState(M) Get playback state of target sound at that time
nuAuSndPlayerSetPitch(M) Set pitch of target sound on sound player
nuAuSndPlayerSetVol(M) Set volume of target sound on sound player
nuAuSndPlayerSetPan(M) Set pan position of target sound on sound player
nuAuSndPlayerSetPriority(M) Set priority of target sound on sound player
nuAuSndPlayerSetFXMix(M) Set effects mix of target sound on sound player

Global Variables

nuAuRetraceCount Number of retraces of audio data created at one time
nuAuExtraSampleSize Number of extra samples
nuAuAcmdLen Size of audio command list buffers
nuAuDmaBufNum Number of audio PI-DMA buffers
nuAuDmaBufSize Size of audio PI-DMA buffers
nuAuDebFlag Debug flag
nuAuDebStatus Status flag
nuAuDebDmaCount Total PI-DMA count
nuAuDebDmaMax Maximum PI-DMA count per frame
nuAuDebDmaBufMaxUse Maximum number DMA buffers used
nuAuDebDmaCallbackCount Total number of DMA callbacks
nuAuDebDmaCallbackMax Maximum number of DMA callbacks per frame
nuAuDebAcmdLenMax Maximum audio command list size