13.1 Changes from ver 2.0H to patchN64dd_082297(Unix) and patchPC_083197(PC)
- LeoCJCreateLeoManager() and LeoCACreateLeoManager( ) (initialization functions for Game Pak startup) have been added.
- The POWERONRESET_DEVICE_OCCURRED and MEDIUM_MAY_HAVE_CHANGED errors were previously reported only once from the leo manager. In versions since 2.0H, each of these errors is continuously reported until the functions LeoResetClear() and LeoReadDiskID(), respectively, are issued. (LeoResetClear() is a newly added function.)
- LeoModeSelect() was changed from a synchronous function to an asynchronous function. Accordingly, it was renamed LeoModeSelectAsync().
- The function leoReset() was renamed LeoReset( ).
- The programs n64mdisk, used create master data, and calcncc, an NCC calculation program, were added.
- The library function LeoGetAAdr2( ), which acquires information related to ASCII font data, was added. This function uses asccode, a utility that before compile time calculates data such as the locations of ASCII font data in DDROM. LeoGetAAdr2( )also uses the data obtained using asccode.
- The sample program ddspgame was added. Previous samples tile_rect3d.disk/ and font/ were eliminated.
- Changes were made so that when LeoReadRTC( ) and LeoSetRTC( ) are issued, they do not report resets or disk exchanges even if they detect them.
- The lba specification, used to specify the LBAs that arrange segments using makedisk, was enabled in the spec file.