alSndpPlayAt alSndpPlayAt (function)

alSndpPlayAt, n_alSndpPlayAt

Starts playing the current target sound at a specified time


#include <libaudio.h>     /* libaudio.h */
void alSndpPlayAt(ALSndPlayer *sndp, ALMicroTime delta);
#include <n_libaudio.h>     /* n_libaudio.h */
void n_alSndpPlayAt(                 ALMicroTime delta);


Pointer to a sound player

Time in microseconds to wait before starting to play the sound


alSndpPlayAt starts playing the current target sound at a specified time. To set the target sound, call alSndpSetSound. If the sound is already playing at the specified time, this call has no effect.

For details on n_audio library, see "Chapter 28: n_audio library" in the N64 Programming Manual.

See Also

alSndpPlay, alSndpStop, alSndpGetState, and alSndpSetSound

Revision History

1999/04/30 Changed Format