Tools Index

: Graphics
: Audio
: System

Go to here for 64DD-related functions and tools.

bankdump........Prints the symbol information (.sym file) contained in the N64 sound banks
bkpt........Sets or clears the target breakpoint
dbgif........Provides a link between the gvd debugger and the emulator board.
dlprint........Displays display lists and audio command lists to the console
flt2c........Reads a MultiGen .flt file to output a C data structure.
gbi........The graphics binary interface
gbi2mem........Converts the output of the guDumpGbiDL function to a file for the RSP simulator
gdis........Disassembles object files (.o)
getfpregs........Retrieves floating point register contents for a target system thread
getsregs........Retrieves the scalar register contents from the RCP co-processor
getvregs........Retrieves the vector register contents from the RCP co-processor
gload........Loads a ROM image into the "Game Pak memory" on the emulator board
gperf........Analyzes profile data
gvd........GameShop debugger
ic........The instrument compiler for N64 audio
ie........The instrument editor for N64 audio
imscale........Scales .rgb format images.
listthreads........Lists the threads currently running in the target system
makerom........Creates a ROM Game Pak image and associated ELF object files
midicomp........A MIDI file converter/compressor
midicvt........Converts a Type 1 MIDI file to a Type 0 MIDI file for use with N64
midiDmon........This tool is not supported in Ver2.0f or later.
midiprint........Prints time-based MIDI events in the Standard MIDI file.
midistat........Provides note statistics for MIDI files
mkisprite........ Converts .rgb files to the C Sprite data structure
mksprite........Same as above (16bit RGBA)
mksprite32........Same as above (32bit RGBA)
osSyncPrintf........Outputs formatted printing through the debug port
playraw........Plays raw sample files on the INDY audio hardware
readmem........Reads data from a target system memory space
rgb2c........ Converts .rgb files to the C Sprite data structure
rmonPrintf........has been removed
sbc........Assembles multiple sequence files to make a single sequence bank file.
stacktool........A stack analysis tool
stepthread........Single steps a target system thread
stopthread........Halts a target system thread
tabledesign........Designs codebooks for the ADPCM compressor
threadstatus........Displays the status of a target system thread
vadpcm_dec........An ADPCM decoder for N64 audio.
vadpcm_enc........An ADOCM encoder for N64 audio.
writeword........Writes data to a target system location