Index for os Functions

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[osMotor] [osPfs] [osPi] [osSet] [osVi][osVoice][Functions removed]

OS_CYCLES_TO_NSEC Converts from CPU Count register cycles to nanoseconds.
OS_CYCLES_TO_USEC Converts from CPU Count register cycles to microseconds.
OS_DCACHE_ROUNDUP_ADDR Rounds up the address value to the physical address, to match the data cache line size.
OS_DCACHE_ROUNDUP_SIZE Rounds up the address value to the size value, to match the data cache line size.
OS_K0_TO_PHYSICAL Translates from a cached, direct-mapped CPU address (KSEG0) to a physical address.
OS_K1_TO_PHYSICAL Converts from the CPU virtual address KSEG1 (cache disabled, no TLB mapping) to the physical address.
OS_NSEC_TO_CYCLES Converts from nanoseconds to CPU Count register cycles.
OS_PHYSICAL_TO_K0 Converts from the physical address to a direct mapped CPU virtual address with cache enabled.
OS_PHYSICAL_TO_K1 Translates from a physical address to an uncached, direct-mapped CPU address.
OS_USEC_TO_CYCLES Converts from microseconds to CPU Count register cycles.
osAfterPreNMI Initializes the RSP's program counter (PC).
osAiGetLength Returns the number of bytes remaining in the current DMA buffer.
osAiGetStatus Returns the hardware status of the audio interface.
osAiSetFrequency Calculates the correct values for the internal divisors and returns the actual frequency.
osAiSetNextBuffer Sets up the next DMA transfer from RDRAM to the AI buffer.
osAppNMIBuffer 64-byte buffer cleared by a cold reset.
osCartRomInit Returns information regarding the hardware settings necessary when using a cartridge.
osContGetQuery Returns Controller's status and type.
osContGetReadData Returns the status of the 3D control stick and buttons to the pad in OSContPad structure.
osContInit Initializes the game Controller.
osContReset Resets all game Controllers.
osContSetCh Specifies the number of controllers that will be read into the system.
osContStartQuery Issues a query command to SI device.
osContStartReadData Generates a read command to get the status of the controllers.
osCreateLog Initializes the OSLog data structure.
osCreateMesgQueue Initializes a given OSMesgQueue structured message queue to an empty state.
osCreatePiManager Creates and starts the PI Manager system thread to provide mutual exclusion and synchronization support for the PI devices.
osCreateRegion Creates a region from the contiguous memory area starting from the address in startAddress and continuing for the number of bytes in length.
osCreateScheduler Creates an RCP task scheduler.
osCreateThread Registers a schedulable object.
osCreateViManager Specifies the VI manager.
osDestroyThread Deletes a schedulable object.
osDpGetCounters Gets internal performance counters from the display processor.
osDpGetStatus Returns the hardware status of the display processor command status register.
osDpSetNextBuffer Updates the display processor pointers causing the display processor to begin reading an RDP display list.
osDpSetStatus Updates the display processor command status register with status.
osEepromLongRead Reads multiple blocks of data from EEPROM.
osEepromLongWrite Writes multiple blocks of data to EEPROM.
osEepromProbe Confirms that EEPROM is installed.
osEepromRead Reads data from EEPROM.
osEepromWrite Writes data to EEPROM.
osEPiGetDeviceType Accesses EPI on low level (without using the PI manager).
osEPiStartDma Sets up a DMA transfer between RDRAM and the PI device address space.
osEPiWriteIo Expansion parallel interface (EPI) that uses the PI manager.
osEPiReadIo Expansion parallel interface (EPI) that uses the PI manager.
osEPiLinkHandle Sets a pointer to the next member when the EPI handler is set up.
osFlashInit Initializes PI handler for Flash.
osFlashReadStatus Obtains the status of Flash.
osFlashReadId Obtains Flash ID.
osFlashClearStatus Clear the status of Flash.
osFlashAllErase Deletes the entire area of Flash.
osFlashAllEraseThrough Deletes the entire area of Flash. (No status check.)
osFlashSectorErase Deletes 1 sector of Flash.
osFlashSectorEraseThrough Deletes 1 sector of Flash. (No status check.)
osFlashCheckEraseEnd Verifies the status after Flash is deleted.
osFlashWriteBuffer Writes data to Flash buffer.
osFlashWriteArray Writes to Flash page.
osFlashReadArray Reads data from Flash page.
osFlashChange Switches when multiple Flash is used.
osFlushLog Transfers the log data to the host which will print the log interpreted by the gload program.
osFree After executing a buffer address check, it returns the buffer to the free list for the region.
osGbpakCheckConnector Checks the Game Boy game pak connector.
osGbpakGetStatus Detects the status of the N64 Game Boy Pak.
osGbpakInit Initializes the N64 Game Boy Pak hardware and control structure pfs.
osGbpakPower Turns power ON/OFF to the N64 Game Boy Game Pak.
osGbpakReadId Reads the Game Boy Game Pak registration area.
osGbpakReadWrite Reads/writes to the memory of the Game Boy game pak using the N64 Game Boy Pak.
osGetCause Returns the current value of the MIPS R4300 Cause register that describes the cause of the most recent exception.
osGetCompare Returns the current value of the R4300 Compare register.
osGetConfig Returns the current value of the R4300 Configuration register.
osGetCount Returns the CPU Counter register.
osGetCurrFaultedThread Returns the most recent faulted thread or NULL.
osGetFpcCsr Returns the current value of the R4300 floating-point control/status register.
osGetIntMask Gets the enabled interrupt mask.
osGetMemSize Checks the Memory Expansion Pak (for 64DD).
osGetNextFaultedThread Returns the next faulted thread from the active thread queue.
osGetRegionBufCount Returns the total number of buffers created for the region.
osGetRegionBufSize Returns the size (in bytes) allocated for each buffer in the region.
osGetSR Returns the current value of the R4300 Status register.
osGetTLBASID Returns the current TLB Address Space ID in the R4300 EntryHi register.
osGetThreadId Obtains the debugger identifier of a thread.
osGetThreadPri Returns the priority of the given thread.
osGetTime Gets the real time counter value.
osInitialize Performs hardware and software initialization procedures.
osInitRdb Sets up an outgoing buffer for the rdb debug port.
osInvalDCache Invalidates CPU data cache lines.
osInvalICache Invalidates CPU instruction cache lines.
osJamMesg Creates a message with higher priority.
osLogEvent Adds an entry to the given log.
osMalloc Returns a pointer to the buffer in the region.
osMapTLB Sets the TLB entry index (ranges from 0 to 31).
osMemSize Holds the installed main memory (DRAM) size in bytes.
osMotorInit Initializes the Rumble Pak.
osMotorStart Starts the Rumble Pak motor.
osMotorStop Stops the Rumble Pak motor.
osPfsAllocateFile Creates a new game note.
osPfsChecker Inspects and repairs the Controller Pak's file system.
osPfsDeleteFile Deletes a Controller Pak game note.
osPfsFileState Obtains game note information.
osPfsFindFile Searches the specified game note.
osPfsFreeBlocks Obtains the available number of bytes in a Controller Pak.
osPfsGetLabel Reads the label of a Controller Pak.
osPfsInit Removed (please use osPfsInitPak).
osPfsInitPak Initializes the Controller Pak's file handle.
osPfsIsPlug Detects the Controller Pak inserted to a Controller.
osPfsNumFiles Acquires the maximum note number and the number of notes used.
osPfsRepairId Repairs the Controller Pak file system.
osPfsReadWriteFile Reads/writes game note game data.
osPfsSetLabel Writes to the Controller Pak label.
osPiGetCmdQueue Returns the pointer to the PI manager's command queue, or NULL.
osPiGetStatus Returns the hardware status of the peripheral interface (PI).
osPiReadIo Performs a 32-bit programmed IO read from a specified PI device address devAddr.
osPiStartDma Sets up DMA transfer between RDRAM and PI device address space.
osPiWriteIo Performs a 32-bit programmed IO write from a specified PI device address devAddr.
osProfile Run time profile for text spaces without shared sources.
osProfileFlush Programmatically transfers profile data to the gperf program.
osProfileInit Initializes the profiled segment count buffers.
osProfileStart Starts the profiler's interval counter.
osProfileStop Turns off profiling.
osReadHost Sets up the connection on the side of the game that is receiving nbytes of data from the host.
osRecvMesg Copies the first message in the message queue "mq" into a address specified by "msg."
osResetType Saves the cause of a system reboot.
osScAddClient Adds a client to the RCP task scheduler.
osScGetTaskQ Gets the message queue used for communicating with the scheduler thread.
osSendMesg Copies the message "msg" to the end of the given message queue "mq."
osSetCause Sets the new value for the MIPS R4300 Cause register.
osSetCompare Sets the new value for the R4300 Compare register.
osSetConfig Sets the new value for the R4300 Configuration register.
osSetEventMesg Associates a message queue and message with an event.
osSetIntMask Set the enabled interrupt mask.
osSetTLBASID Sets a system-wide address space identifier register.
osSetThreadPri Sets the priority of specified thread.
osSetTime Sets the real time counter value.
osSetTimer Sets an interval or countdown timer.
osSpTaskLoad Loads the given task into the serial processor.
osSpTaskStart Executes osSpTaskStartGo followed by osSpTaskLoad.
osSpTaskStartGo Executes a task in SP.
osSpTaskYield Requests that the SP"yield".
osSpTaskYielded Saves a task structure's appropriate state.
osStartThread Starts or resumes a thread.
osStopThread Suspends a thread.
osStopTimer Stops an interval or countdown timer.
osSyncPrintf Outputs formatted text to degbug port.
osTestHost Simply returns a 0 until data from host is read.
osThreadProfileInit Initializes the Thread Profiler.
osThreadProfileClear Initializes the Thread Profile data of the specified ID.
osThreadProfileStart Starts measuring the Thread Profiler.
osThreadProfileStop Stops the Thread Profiler.
osThreadProfileReadCount Acquires the number of switching threads.
osThreadProfileReadCountTh Acquires the number of switching threads.
osThreadProfileReadTime Acquires accumulated execution time of the thread.
osThreadProfileReadTimeTh Acquires accumulated execution time of the thread.
osTvType Returns if the N64 system is configured for PAL video timing (0), NTSC (1), or MPAL (2).
osUnmapTLB Removes any existing even or odd page mapping for the TLB entry index.
osUnmapTLBAll Removes all mappings at all indexes.
osViBlack Blacks out the screen until a vertical retrace signal is generated.
osViFade Fades between the first 2 scan lines of the frame buffer.
osViGetCurrentField Returns the field number (either 0 or 1) currently being used by the video interface.
osViGetCurrentFramebuffer Returns the pointer to the currently displayed framebuffer.
osViGetCurrentLine Returns the current half line, sampled once per line.
osViGetCurrentMode Returns the video interface (VI) mode that is currently being used.
osViGetNextFramebuffer Returns the pointer to the next framebuffer to be displayed.
osViGetStatus Returns the value of the video interface status/control register.
osViRepeatLine Repeats the first scan line of the frame buffer for the entire frame.
osViSetEvent Registers a message queue "mq" and a message "m" with the VI Manager.
osViSetMode Registers the VI and one of the modes to be used at the next vertical retrace.
osViSetSpecialFeatures Allows the caller to enable or disable various video interface special features.
osViSetXScale Allows scaling the image up horizontally (in the X direction) to the required display format.
osViSetYScale Allows scaling the image up vertically (in the Y direction) to the required display format.
osViSwapBuffer Registers the frame buffer to be displayed at the next vertical blank interrupt.
osVirtualToPhysical Converts any CPU physical address to its virtual address.
osVoiceCheckWord Checks words registered in the Voice Recognition System.
osVoiceClearDictionary Initializes the Voice Recognition System word registration dictionary.
osVoiceControlGain Adjust the Voice Recognition System input gain.
osVoiceCountSyllables Calculates the semi-syllables in a registered word in the Voice Recognition System.
osVoiceGetReadData Gets the Voice Recognition System voice recognition results.
osVoiceInit Initializes the Voice Recognition System structures and hardware.
osVoiceMaskDictionary Masks the registered words in the Voice Recognition System.
osVoiceSetWord Registers a word in the Voice Recognition System dictionary.
osVoiceStartReadData Starts voice recognition by the Voice Recognition System.
osVoiceStopReadData Forcibly stops voice recognition processing by the Voice Recognition System.
osPhysicalToVirtual Converts any CPU physical address to its virtual address.
osWriteHost Attempts to copy nbytes of data from the game starting at vAddr to the host.
osWritebackDCache Writes back data cache lines.
osWritebackDCacheAll Writes back all cached locations to physical memory.
osYieldThread Yields the CPU and invokes the thread dispatcher.

Functions removed




Removed in OS2.0I/patch5 or later.
For details, please see here.